SuiteApps are applications or bundles that extend NetSuite for specific industry and business needs. They are developed by Oracle NetSuite, or by members of the SuiteCloud Developer Network (SDN), a third-party developer program. NetSuite customers also can develop their own SuiteApps to meet their specialized requirements, or engage Professional Services to do so.
NetSuite SuiteApps are developed on the SuiteCloud platform, and are distributed and supported by Oracle-NetSuite. Your company may also have custom SuiteApps developed and distributed through paid Professional Services engagements. To check the SuiteApps installed in your account, see Reviewing the Installed Bundles List. On the Installed Bundles page, the Owner column shows the name of the SuiteApp developer.
Generally, SuiteApps can be searched and installed from Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles. Some SuiteApps are also available from the SuiteApp Marketplace, a location in NetSuite for SuiteApps created using the SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF), and SuiteApp bundles created using SuiteBundler. For more information, see SuiteApp Marketplace in NetSuite.
SuiteApp projects can be uploaded to the SuiteApp Control Center, a platform for defining and managing the SuiteApp distribution process. For more information, see SuiteApp Control Center Overview.
For information about SuiteApps developed and supported by SDN Partners and other third parties, see Third-party SuiteApps (not provided by Oracle).
List of NetSuite SuiteApps
Click any of the following links to view the SuiteApps under the product area or category.
NetSuite SuiteApps are generally available for installation. For details about limitations that may apply to a specific SuiteApp, click the link in the Description column. Some SuiteApps are available only to accounts designated by NetSuite. In some cases, extra fees may be required. If you are interested in getting access to a shared SuiteApp, contact your NetSuite account representative.
To view the latest release notes about SuiteApps, see SuiteApps (Bundles) Released by NetSuite and SuiteCommerce, SuiteCommerce MyAccount, and SuiteCommerce Advanced Release Notes.
Accounting SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Advanced Revenue Recognition |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables reference approval routing workflow for revenue arrangements used in Advanced Revenue Management. Bundle ID: 92373 |
EITF-08-01 Platform Feature |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables tracking and setting of multiple Estimated Selling Prices (VSOE prices) on transaction lines affected by EITF-08-01. Bundle ID: 29321 |
Expense Commitments and Budget Validation |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to create budgets for specific account, segment, and period combinations. The SuiteApp also validates the purchase orders, purchase requests, and vendor bills against the budget. |
Indirect Cost Allocation for Grants |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides organizations with the ability to specify the provisional rate on custom segments and the allowable costs that should form the base for calculating indirect costs. |
See Installing Indirect Cost Allocation for Grants SuiteApp. |
Fixed Assets Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
Allows small and medium-sized businesses to maintain and control all aspects of their fixed assets, from depreciation through maintenance schedules and insurance. Bundle ID: 414815 |
Labor Expense Allocation |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Lets you allocate payroll costs, including salary and fringe benefits, to benefiting program, project, or grant segments. Retrieve employee pay data and fetch employee timesheets generated from the SuitePeople U.S. Payroll feature. |
Online Donations |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
The Online Donations SuiteApp provides the ability to capture online donations from your website using NetSuite Payment Link. See Online Donations. |
Sales Return Accounting |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to track sales returns separately in the mapped sales returns account. You can map a sales return account for a unique combination of subsidiary, sales account, and accounting book. Bundle ID: 318158 |
Sequential Liability |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a unified view of accounts payable, accounts receivable, projects, and cash balances while enabling controllers to pay vendors confidently. This SuiteApp helps you effectively manage cash flow for transactions where payment to vendors is linked to receipt from customers. Bundle ID: 301860 |
SuiteApprovals |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides standard capabilities for managing approval of the following record types: journal entry, engineering change order, purchase order, and vendor bill. You can create approval rules, each consisting of a set of criteria and approval hierarchy, to manage the validation and approval routing of these records. Bundle ID: 203059 |
Transaction Line Distribution |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides organizations the ability to distribute expenses across different subsidiaries, classifications, custom segments, departments, locations, and accounts. |
Account Administration SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Application Performance Management |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to monitor and manage performance of NetSuite customizations and business critical operations, through performance dashboard, data visualizations, page time summary, and script analysis features. |
See Installing the APM SuiteApp from the SuiteApp Marketplace. |
NetSuite SuiteApps License Client |
Search & Install Bundles |
Controls access to features of certain SuiteApps depending on whether the account has an active license for the SuiteApp. Bundle ID: 116144 |
Subsidiary Navigator (Beta) |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to limit the information displayed on your dashboard, searches, and reports to a specific subsidiary or group of subsidiaries. Bundle ID: 44281 See Subsidiary Navigator. |
Compliance 360 |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables users to have a single source of truth for user interactions with electronic protected health information (ePHI). |
Banking SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Auto Bank Statement Import |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Automates the daily import of bank statement files into NetSuite using SFTP connectivity. |
Bank Feeds |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Automates the import of bank transactions and account balances daily from your financial institution accounts into NetSuite. See Bank Feeds SuiteApp. |
Bank Statement Parsers |
Search & Install Bundles |
Delivers standard parser plug-ins that can read bank statement files and then import the bank transactions into NetSuite. Bundle ID: 293699 |
Cash 360 |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Lets you effectively manage cash flow by providing real-time view of your company’s cash position and the ability to generate fast and accurate near-term forecasts. See Cash 360. |
See Installing Cash 360. |
Australia Bank Feeds |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Lets you automate the transfer of bank data from financial institution accounts in Australia into NetSuite. |
Commerce SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Advanced Promotions |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides the ability to create complex promotional discounts based on items and order amounts, as well as “buy X, get Y” discounts. Bundle ID: 49247 See the Standard and Advanced Promotions guide. |
See the Standard and Advanced Promotions guide. |
Content Delivery Service |
Search & Install Bundles |
Combines customer forms, service files, and customer records to allow you to conveniently create and manage content pages and enhanced content areas for your SuiteCommerce Advanced website. Bundle ID: 48479 |
Product Merchandising |
Search & Install Bundles |
Allows you to define and display merchandising zones on your SuiteCommerce web store. Merchandising zones display complementary, cross-sell or up-sell products. Bundle ID: 48476 |
SuiteCommerce |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a flexible, incredibly fast and open front-end solution enabling richly branded, highly personalized and engaging shopping experiences that will drive conversion and grow your business. Includes Shopping, Checkout, and My Account experiences. Bundle ID: 543875 |
See Getting Started. |
SuiteCommerce Advanced |
Search & Install Bundles |
With SuiteCommerce Advanced, you have all of the functionality of an SuiteCommerce implementation but also have complete control for advanced customization beyond what can be done with themes and extensions. Bundle ID: 544210 |
See Getting Started. |
SuiteCommerce APM |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Lets you view detailed information about SuiteCommerce website performance. |
SuiteCommerce Base Theme |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a base theme to use as a starting point for SuiteCommerce theme development. Bundle ID: 544093 |
See Getting Started. |
SuiteCommerce Configuration |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables the SuiteCommerce Configuration record in NetSuite and lets you configure your SuiteCommerce site. Bundle ID: 381166 |
See Getting Started. |
SuiteCommerce Extension Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides the mechanism in NetSuite to activate extensions. This SuiteApp also includes the theme and extension developer tools. Bundle ID: 521562 |
See Getting Started. |
SuiteCommerce Google Tag Manager Editor |
Search & Install Bundles |
SuiteCommerce Google Tag Manager Editor lets you connect your SuiteCommerce site to Google Tag Manager and manage third-party tags without having to edit your site source code. Bundle ID: 250341 |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SuiteCommerce InStore APM |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you view detailed information about SuiteCommerce InStore (SCIS) performance. Bundle ID: 267306 |
SC Best Sellers |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add a sorting option to your SuiteCommerce web store where you can feature best-selling items and sort by best sellers for a given period. Bundle ID: 244097 See Best Sellers. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Blog |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you create blog posts for your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 350138 See Blog. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Columns |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add columns containing images and texts to your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 249263 See Columns. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Custom Fields |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add custom transaction body fields to the checkout application to request or provide additional information, such as shipping instructions and special order requests. Bundle ID: 247488 |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Featured Category |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you highlight a commerce category on your website. You can select how products are sorted within the section and the number of rows of items displayed. Bundle: 250732 See Newsletter Sign Up. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Featured Product |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you highlight a product on your website. You can display the item's availability and price, and add a ribbon to the product. Bundle ID: 250724 See Featured Product. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Gift Certificate Value Check |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add a predefined landing page to your SuiteCommerce web store where shoppers can check the balance of gift certificates without having to log into their account area. Bundle ID: 243341 |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Gift Wrap & Message |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add gift wrap options to your web store. You can create multiple gift wrap items, determine products to be gift wrapped and the gift wrap options to be used, and display gift wrap colors and gift wrap images in the web store. Bundle ID: 248547 See Gift Wrap & Message. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Image Text Overlay |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add an image with text overlay to your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 249292 See Image Text Overlay. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Logo List |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add a list of images with links and texts to your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 248750 See Logo List. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Map & Contact Info |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add a third-party map and contact information to your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 249788 See Map & Contact. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC McAfee Secure |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you integrate your SuiteCommerce site with the McAfee SECURE service. Bundle ID: 249425 See McAfee Secure. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Newsletter Sign Up |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add a newsletter subscription form to your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 249935 See Newsletter Sign Up. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Photo Gallery |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add a gallery of images to your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 249422 See Photo Gallery. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Product Feeds |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you share your product inventory in a structured format for Google Shopping, Facebook Dynamic Ads, and custom CSV format. For Google Shopping product feeds, you can include item promotion data for use with Merchant Promotions. Bundle ID: 250407 See Product Feeds. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Shipping Bar |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add a bar and banners to your website to inform shoppers of free or special rate shipping. Bundle ID: 249983 See Shipping Bar. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Size Chart |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add size charts to your web store product pages. Bundle ID: 249416 See Size Charts. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Slideshow |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add a carousel of images to your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 250352 See Slideshow. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
SC Testimonials |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you add testimonials with images, texts, and links to your website using Site Management Tools. Bundle ID: 248760 See Testimonials. |
See Commerce Extensions. |
Country-specific or Localization SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Advanced Localization Features |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables the creation of localized printable invoices and credit memos that comply with tax regulations and meet common business needs of NetSuite users. To achieve this, the SuiteApp delivers two advanced PDF/HTML templates (for invoices and credit memos). Furthermore, the SuiteApp provides additional features, making the PDF/HTML templates highly customizable. Bundle ID: 359132 |
ANZ Localization |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides the localization features, templates, and reporting necessary to operate businesses in Australia and New Zealand. This SuiteApp provides the records and transaction fields used in generating reports that comply with accounting and financial reporting requirements or standards specific to Australia and New Zealand. See ANZ Localization. |
Australia Post |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables integration with Australia Post to process shipping services for the domestic shipment of parcels. Bundle ID: 93157 |
Belgium Localization |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides Belgium SuiteTax reports in English, French, and Dutch, Chart of Accounts template that fulfills the Belgium statutory accounting requirements, Fiche 281.50, and electronic bank payment templates. Installing this SuiteApp requires the EMEA Localization SuiteApp. See Belgium Localization. |
Brazil Banking Integration |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables the connection between NetSuite and bank accounts in Brazil. |
Brazil Certification Tax Authorities |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides predefined plug-ins, templates, and records to enable the sending of e-documents to several Brazilian tax authorities. This SuiteApp enables businesses to comply with invoicing requirements in Brazil. |
See Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp Installation. |
Brazilian Hub |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides features to enable businesses to comply with legal and fiscal requirements in Brazil. This SuiteApp provides tax calculation and configuration for Brazilian taxes, installment plan setup, customized records and fields to generate electronic bank payment files, and supports electronic invoicing for Brazil. Bundle ID: 334878 See Brazilian Hub. |
Brazilian Hub Reporting |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables the generatation of Brazilian fiscal reports and extraction of fiscal information for Brazilian businesses that have the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp installed in their accounts. Bundle ID: 334884 |
Brazil Localization |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables businesses in Brazil to comply with local accounting and financial requirements. The SuiteApp provides features, records, transactions, and templates that localize NetSuite for Brazil. See Brazil Localization. |
Brazil Reports |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables businesses to generate accounting, financial, tax, and statutory reports to comply with Brazilian reporting requirements. See Brazil Reports. |
Colombia Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides custom fields, validations, and other customizations for Colombian businesses to comply with tax and other government requirements in Colombia. This SuiteApp supports electronic bank payments and electronic invoicing for Colombia. See Colombia Help Topics. |
Contra Account Sheet |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables companies to generate Germany-specific transaction records with contra account information. These records can be used by accountants for viewing the account balance or transactions. See Contra Account Sheet. |
China Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
This SuiteApp provides China-specific features including accounting vouchers, localized financial reports, and localized transaction and entity fields. Bundle ID: 217320 |
Country-Specific Address Forms |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides custom address forms formatted for Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, and USA. These country-specific address templates apply to both the user interface and printed forms for entities, transactions, locations, and workplaces. Bundle ID: 64313 |
Country-Specific Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you create, edit, or view complex financial reports, such as, balance sheets or income statements, that meet country-specific standards and business requirements. It also serves as a financial reporting framework that works with Localization SuiteApps. Bundle ID: 301545 |
Denmark Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a set of features customized for customers in Denmark. This set of features includes the country-specific invoicing, automatic selection of required classifications on transactions, and the payment file templates. Bundle ID: 270798 See Denmark Localization. |
Denmark Tax Reports |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Lets you generate the Denmark Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) report. |
EMEA Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides custom lists and custom fields on transaction forms and item records to collect information that will be used to generate localized tax reports for Germany and the United Kingdom. The collected tax-related information is then used by the country localization SuiteApps to deliver local tax reports including VAT Reports, and EC Sales List & Intrastat. Bundle ID: 303903 |
Finland Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a set of features customized for customers in Finland. This set of features includes the country-specific invoicing, automatic selection of required classifications on transactions, and the payment file templates. Bundle ID: 270799 See Finland Localization. |
Finland Tax Reports |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to generate Finland-specific tax reports:
France Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
This SuiteApp provides the France Chart of Accounts, customized financial reports, and validation functions to ensure compliance with the Fichier d’Ecritures Comptables (FEC) standard. If you are using SuiteTax, the SuiteApp also lets you generate France tax reports for NetSuite accounts that use SuiteTax. If you are not using SuiteTax, VAT reports for cash basis and accruals are available for you. The SuiteApp can generate the FEC tax audit file and FEC Lettrage, which can be used with or without the SuiteTax feature. Bundle ID: 143437 See France Localization. |
Former Brazil Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a fundamental layer of localization for companies doing business in Brazil by enhancing the company, subsidiary, entity, and transaction records. Bundle ID: 130074 |
Germany Central Bank Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables German companies to track and report incoming and outgoing payments to fulfill the requirements of the German Central Bank. Bundle ID: 302124 |
Germany Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
The Germany Localization SuiteApp provides features that address or comply with accounting and financial reporting requirements or standards specific to Germany. Bundle ID: 255470 |
GL Matching |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a transaction matching capability to accommodate an accounting practice common in several countries, especially in Europe. This practice is called Lettrage in France. The SuiteApp provides tools that facilitate Lettrage. Bundle ID: 254263 See GL Matching. A beta version of the GL Matching SuiteApp is also available, which provides capabilities for automating reconciliation processes of some standard transactions in Accounts Payables and Accounts Receivables. For more information, see GL Matching Auto-matching BETA. |
India Localization SuiteTax Engine |
Search & Install Bundles |
Manage transactions and numerous special tax situations and rules, such as Tax Deduction at Source (TDS), Goods and Services Tax (GST), Tax on tax, and reverse charges. When the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your NetSuite account, you can use the India Localization SuiteTax Engine as the tax calculation process for your nexuses. Bundle ID: 400562 |
India Localization SuiteTax Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables finance users and accountants to generate Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) and Goods and Services Tax (GST) reports. Bundle ID: 400554 |
Ireland Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides Ireland tax report templates so tax reports required in Ireland can be generated. Bundle ID: 325736 See Ireland Localization. |
See Ireland Localization. |
Japan Financial Statements |
Search & Install Bundles |
Includes the Japanese Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement, and Trial Balance. Using the SuiteApp, you can set up and generate these Japanese financial statements. The SuiteApp has Japanese and English templates for each financial statement. Bundle ID: 249424 |
Japan Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides Japan invoicing features that comply with the Qualified Invoicing System, Japanese billing cycle and payment terms, invoice summary, deductible purchase tax calculation and reporting, as well as custom address form for Japan. Bundle ID: 490217 See Japanese Invoicing Features, Purchase Tax by Tax Category, Deductible Purchase Tax for Japan, Japan Consumption Tax Form, and Japanese Address Form. |
See Installing the Japan Localization SuiteApp. This SuiteApp is automatically installed in newly provisioned NetSuite Japan edition accounts. |
LATAM E-Document Certification |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables the sending of e-documents for certification. This SuiteApp provides features for setting up communications with tax authorities' web services, and managing e-document certification requests and responses. |
LATAM File Builder |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables the creation of layouts to generate and import text files for electronic data exchange. See LATAM File Builder. |
Mexico Compliance (not available) |
Search & Install Bundles |
As of June 2019, the Mexico Compliance SuiteApp (Bundle ID: 131375) is not available for new installations. Oracle NetSuite will end support for the Mexico Compliance SuiteApp on July 1, 2020. You can continue using the SuiteApp, but the bundle will not receive additional fixes or updates after support has ended. We encourage you to transition to the Mexico Localization SuiteApp. The Mexico Localization SuiteApp supports electronic bank payments and electronic invoicing for Mexico. It is also compatible with the SuiteTax feature. For information about this SuiteApp, see Mexico Help Topics. |
Mexico Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides custom fields, validations, and other customizations for Mexican businesses to comply with tax and other government requirements in Mexico. This SuiteApp supports electronic bank payments and electronic invoicing for Mexico. Bundle ID: 373485 See Mexico Help Topics. |
Mexico Deferred Taxes |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides features and capabilities necessary to record deferred taxes for businesses operating in Mexico according to Mexico tax laws. |
Mexico Foreign Trade |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides features and capabilities necessary to generate and process foreign trade transactions, complying with requirements of Mexican Tax Authority (SAT). Application ID: com.netsuite.mexicoforeigntrade See Mexico Foreign Trade. |
Netherlands Localization |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides the Netherlands SuiteTax reports in English and Nederlands, XAF, and WKR reports. The SuiteApp works with the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp for processing electronic bank payments. Installing this SuiteApp requires the EMEA Localization SuiteApp. |
Norway Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a set of features customized for customers in Norway. This set of features includes the country-specific invoicing, automatic selection of required classifications on transactions, and the payment file templates. Bundle ID: 270800 See Norway Localization. |
Norway Tax Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to generate Norway-specific tax reports:
Bundle ID: 333158 |
Philippines Localization |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides customizable and ready-to-use local documents that comply with the Philippines Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). |
Portugal Localization |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides features that address tax requirements in Portugal for electronic invoices and other fiscally relevant documents. It supports the document series mandate in Portugal starting January 1, 2022. Based on the document series, the SuiteApp generates a unique Portugal Transaction ID and digital signature for sales-related transactions with a Portugal customer or subsidiary. The SuiteApp also generates a QR code for each sales-related Portugal transaction. The SuiteApp also enables you to generate the tax audit files PT SAF-T for Accounting, PT SAF-T for Billing, and PT SAF-T for Shipping in XML version 1.04_1. Application ID: com.netsuite.ptsaft |
Saudi Arabia E-Invoicing |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to send certified e-documents to your Saudi Arabian customers and vendors. E-documents are certified by ZATCA or the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority. |
Singapore Localization |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides features, templates, and tax reporting necessary to operate businesses in Singapore. This SuiteApp lets you comply with key business requirements in Singapore, such as tax reports and audit file generation. |
Singapore PEPPOL-Ready e-Invoicing |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables the exchange e-documents with Singapore customers and vendors through, a primary PEPPOL Access Point in Singapore. The SuiteApp can generate outbound e-documents from invoices and credit memos and then send them to the Singapore PEPPOL API (Application Programming Interface). It can also receive inbound e-documents from the Singapore PEPPOL API and then convert them into vendor bills in NetSuite. |
Southeast Asia Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides invoicing features for Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. Use the invoicing templates included in the SuiteApp to print and issue tax invoices and credit memos or notes to customers in those countries. The SuiteApp also provides electronic payment file formats for Singapore and Malaysia. Bundle ID: 298382 For more information, see the following help topics: |
SuitePeople U.K. Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you monitor information required by U.K. employee reporting regulations by using custom forms, fields, and saved searches. Bundle ID: 316598 |
SuiteTax Latam Engine |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides a Tax Engine plug-in implementation and a structure of custom records that enables companies operating in Latin America to comply with local tax requirements. |
SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides predefined plug-ins and records required to calculate taxes for companies doing business in Brazil. The SuiteApp enables you to determine and calculate all the most common Brazilian taxes. |
See SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records SuiteApp Installation. |
SuiteTax Latam Engine -Colombia Records |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides predefined plug-ins and records required to calculate taxes for companies doing business in Colombia. The SuiteApp enables you to determine and calculate IVA, RETEICA, RETEIVA, and RETEFUENTE taxes. |
See SuiteTax Latam Engine -Colombia Records SuiteApp Installation. |
Sweden Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a set of features customized for customers in Sweden. This set of features includes the country-specific invoicing, automatic selection of required classifications on transactions, and the payment file templates. Bundle ID: 270801 See Sweden Localization. |
Sweden Tax Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Delivers templates to generate several Sweden-specific tax reports. This SuiteApp works with Tax Reporting Framework by providing Sweden tax report templates that users can select from the list of country-specific templates on the Country Tax Reports page. Bundle ID: 307400 |
Transaction Locking |
Search & Install Bundles |
As of April 2019, the Transaction Locking SuiteApp is not available for new installations, and Oracle-NetSuite ended support for the SuiteApp. If you already have the SuiteApp installed before April 2019, you can still continue to use it, but it will not receive fixes or upgrades anymore. You are advised to transition to using the GL Impact Locking feature. |
United Kingdom Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Works with Tax Reporting Framework by delivering UK tax report templates that you can select from the list of country-specific templates on the Country Tax Reports Page. Using the templates, you can generate UK VAT100 Report, EC Sales List, and Intrastat and submit digitally to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. Bundle ID: 303970 |
U.S. Sales Tax Reports |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Allows accounts with the SuiteTax feature enabled to use a filter page to set up and generate SuiteAnalytics workbooks for sales tax transaction data. |
General Features
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
File Drag and Drop |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides the ability to drag and drop single or multiple files from the desktop to a record page in edit mode, or to editable sublists of supported records. Bundle ID: 41309 |
NetSuite for Outlook (not available) |
Search & Install Bundles |
The NetSuite for Outlook SuiteApp (Bundle ID: 26153) is not available for new installations. Oracle NetSuite already ended support for NetSuite for Outlook. You can continue using the SuiteApp, but the bundle will not receive additional fixes or updates. A Windows-based application that allows you to save email messages from Outlook into NetSuite and to synchronize your events, tasks, phone calls, and contacts. This SuiteApp must be installed in your account so your customers can use NetSuite for Outlook. After installing this SuiteApp, each user can install and use the NetSuite for Outlook client. See NetSuite for Outlook. |
See NetSuite for Outlook. |
StickyNotes |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you attach private or public notes on record pages and on specific fields on a form, and share them with your colleagues. Bundle ID: 49018 |
Integration SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
NetSuite Content and Experience |
Search & Install Bundles |
Integrates Oracle Content and Experience Cloud with NetSuite record types for better storage, retrieval, and sharing of documents, digital assets, and related content. Bundle ID: 303487 |
See Installing the NetSuite Content and Experience SuiteApp. |
Inventory Management SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Auto Assign UPC |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to automatically assign UPC codes to inventory, assembly, inventory matrix, and assembly matrix items. In addition, it enables you to create, remove, and manage UPC codes. Bundle ID: 316640 See Auto Assign UPC. |
Quality Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
The NetSuite Quality SuiteApp is a critical part of any manufacturing operation. It provides templates and tools to help organizations maintain and associate quality data to other business records and workflows. Bundle ID: 467597 |
Shelf-to-Sheet Count |
Search & Install Bundles |
Implements the shelf-to-sheet inventory count, which is the manner of recording the quantity of kit items, assembly items, or inventory items according to how they are stored or organized in locations, storage areas, and shelves. Bundle ID: 288791 See Shelf-to-Sheet Count. |
Smart Count |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables inventory counting in real-time, during business hours without having to stop your operations. The SuiteApp automatically notifies the employee doing the count for any on-hand changes during count and provides options to take appropriate action. See Smart Count. |
See Setting Up Smart Count SuiteApp. |
Supply Chain Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides consolidated, real-time data for various supply chain processes to make information accessible across subsidiaries. You can also print an Inventory Count Sheet, Manufacturing Dispatch List, and Manufacturing Traveler. Includes the following: Bundle ID: 47193 |
Item 360 Dashboard |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
The Item 360 Dashboard SuiteApp provides real-time and concise overview of an item’s current status. The SuiteApp lets you view all current transactional data that is impacting the item along with related alerts that help you make informed decisions. |
Warranty and Repairs Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
Offers a highly convenient way for companies to register product warranties and to process warranty claims. Bundle ID: 51007 |
Item Record Management SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Effective Date Pricing |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to set a schedule for specific price changes (for items, item categories, customers, or customer groups) in advance. Price changes can be temporary or permanent. Bundle ID: 222420 |
Manufacturing SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Advanced Manufacturing |
Search & Install Bundles |
Extends your NetSuite manufacturing routing into the Advanced Manufacturing Work Bench enabling manufacturers to define work instructions, associate material usage, compare resource supply with demand, and establish planned start and end times. Bundle ID: 338113 To learn more, see Advanced Manufacturing |
Manufacturing Mobile |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables operators to use mobile scanners to report manufacturing shop floor data. Bundle ID: 467447 For more information, see Manufacturing Mobile Overview. |
Allergen Statements |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables the identification of relevant allergen information about items. Bundle ID: 282582 |
Auto Close Back Orders |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to close such partially fulfilled back orders automatically, post billing. Bundle ID: 300047 |
FEFO Lot Assignments |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to manage the process of optimal lot assignment to sales order line items. Bundle ID: 279508 See FEFO Lot Assignments. |
Lot and Serial Number Trace |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to trace components, semi-finished, or finished goods from a raw material supplier through to the customer. Bundle ID: 322956 |
Lot Auto Numbering |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to define a lot numbering format and select items that require lot auto numbering. You can also configure additional lot information and maintain this information in the inventory detail. |
Order Guides |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to add any or all of the predefined items in bulk to a sales order. Bundle ID: 275880 See Order Guides. |
Static Route Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to create delivery truck and route records and include the route and truck details to the sales orders. The SuiteApp also determines the earliest possible ship date and route for specified location and shipping address. Bundle ID: 290640 |
Costed Bill of Materials |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to calculate the total cost of an assembly based on a bill of materials revision, manufacturing routing, and cost templates used. You can view the comprehensive cost breakdown of an assembly item, including bills of materials, operations, and cost types based on selected bill of materials revision. |
Work Instructions and Traveler |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to generate traveler reports of required work orders. Using these reports, the shop floor personnel can perform day to day assembly operations. This report is intended to travel from one work center to another for each operation in the work order until the work order is completed. |
Cost Variance Analysis |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
The Cost Variance Analysis SuiteApp analyzes the variances during the execution of work orders. These variances are associated with quantity and cost between the planned values for the work order and the actual values recorded against the work order. For more information, see Cost Variance Analysis. |
Supply 360 |
SuiteApp Marketpace |
The Supply 360 SuiteApp analyzes component shortages across work orders based on the selected location and date filters. You can also view planned supplies of any shortage component. For more information, see Supply 360. |
Marketing, Sales Force Automation, and Partners SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Enhanced Sales Center |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a simpler and more familiar sales user experience. Tabs, dashboards, search and entry forms are customized to help users navigate, search, and enter data with more ease and speed. Bundle ID: 58416 |
Last Sales Activity |
Search & Install Bundles |
Allows you to view the date and record of the last sales activity performed on a lead, prospect, customer, contact, or opportunity records, and supports the addition of related dashboard metrics. Bundle ID: 53195 See Last Sales Activity. |
This SuiteApp is automatically installed in newly provisioned NetSuite accounts, except NetSuite Japan edition. |
NetSuite Enterprise Performance Management SuiteApps
NetSuite Account Reconciliation
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Account Reconciliation Sync |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Delivers default configurations to integrate NetSuite and Account Reconciliation application in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Cloud. |
See Account Reconciliation Sync SuiteApp Installation and Setup. |
NetSuite EPM Connector |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Facilitates connection between NetSuite and applications in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Cloud. |
NetSuite Planning and Budgeting
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
NSPB-SuitePeople Sync |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to use NetSuite SuitePeople employee data with NetSuite Planning and Budgeting for accurate workforce planning, reporting, and forecasting. |
See Installing the NSPB-SuitePeople Sync SuiteApp chapter in NSPB-SuitePeople Sync. |
NSPB Sync |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to extract accounting reports from NetSuite saved searches, and use the accounting reports in your Planning and Budgeting. Bundle ID: 168463 See NSPB Sync SuiteApp. |
Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Delivers default configurations to integrate NetSuite and Planning and Budgeting Financials. Enables you to load data and metadata from NetSuite saved searches to Planning and Budgeting Financials. |
See Installing the Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync SuiteApp. |
Planning and Budgeting Sync |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to extract accounting reports from NetSuite searches and use them in your Planning and Budgeting application in Oracle Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) Cloud. |
Planning and Budgeting Sync Foundation |
Search & Install Bundles |
Needs to be installed before the Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync SuiteApp. Bundle ID: 461048 See Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync Installation and Setup. |
See Installing the Planning and Budgeting Sync Foundation SuiteApp. |
NetSuite Connector
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
NetSuite Connector |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Automates the transfer of data between ecommerce storefronts, online marketplaces, point of sale (POS) systems and third-party logistics (3PL) providers. |
Non-Profit SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
NFP Constituent Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you to create and track relationships between different constituents. Bundle ID: 245812 |
NFP Financials |
Search & Install Bundles |
Main SuiteApp for Social Impact SuiteSuccess editions. It provides data structures for nonprofit accounting, constituent management, and grants. Bundle ID: 253068 |
NFP Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Includes reports to support the specific reporting requirements of nonprofit organizations. Bundle ID: 301512 |
Order Management SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Auto-charge Credit Card |
Search & Install Bundles |
Automates the capture of credit card payments for billed and fulfilled sales orders. Bundle ID: 188299 |
Chargeback Workflow |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you process chargeback requests for disputed payments by automatically creating journal entries that track the transfer of funds during the chargeback process. Bundle ID: 127355 See Chargeback Workflow. |
Customer Lifetime Value |
Search & Install Bundles |
Identifies premier customers based on value of transactions. Bundle ID: 254383 |
Dunning Letters |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to reduce days sales outstanding (DSO) and other debt by methodically communicating with your customers to collect accounts receivable in a timely manner. Bundle ID: 392827 See Dunning. |
See Enabling Dunning. |
Electronic Bank Payments (formerly called NetSuite Electronic Payments) |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables creation of payment files to process local payments for vendors, employees, and customers (refund), and also receive payments from local customers. Using the SuiteApp, companies operating within a single country using a single currency, can create payment files for domestic payments in local currency. The SuiteApp is freely available for download by all customers and provides payment capabilities for local banks in your geography. Bundle ID: 395113 |
Electronic Invoicing |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to create electronic documents (e-documents) to help you comply with legal requirements in your country or to automate your order to cash process. Bundle ID: 436209 |
Enhanced Validations and Defaulting |
Search & Install Bundles |
Offers a set of validations and default discount application that can be used in sales transaction and inventory adjustment records. Bundle ID: 213294 |
See Installing the Enhanced Validations and Defaulting SuiteApp. |
Fulfillable Items with SuiteBilling |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Addresses the gap of NetSuite SuiteBilling in terms of support for fulfillable items in subscriptions. This SuiteApp helps you consolidate the billing and fulfillment processes for subscriptions that have accompanying fulfillable items, such as for companies providing modems with internet service. |
Grid Order Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to enter, print, and customize selected transactions for assembly and inventory items, with attributes such as color and size, into a grid format. Bundle ID: 41296 |
NetSuite Ship Central |
Search & Install Bundles |
Extends order fulfillment processing in your warehouse or any location that uses a kiosk device or tablet. It supports multilevel packing that lets you pack items into cartons, then transfer packed cartons onto pallets. You can set up shipping through the same app to process packed orders for local or international shipping. Bundle ID: 534418 |
See NetSuite Ship Central Setup. Use of the Ship Central SuiteApp requires that you first install the SCM Mobile SuiteApp. |
Online Donations |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to integrate your online donations directly into NetSuite. When a donor submits a donation from your nonprofit website, the Online Donations SuiteApp automatically creates an online donation transaction in NetSuite and generates a donation receipt. See Online Donations. |
Payment Gateway |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables integration with various regional payment gateways to provide international credit card processing and merchant services. Bundle ID: 47196 See Payment Gateway. |
See Setting Up Regional Payment Gateways. This SuiteApp is automatically installed in some SuiteApp accounts. |
Recurring Billing |
Search & Install Bundles |
Manages your business' pricing and rating strategy and automates your company's billing and invoicing process. Bundle ID: 217437 |
Return Authorization from Case |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you create a return authorization or a sales order directly from the support case, with select data already populated. Bundle ID: 266623 |
Same-Store Sales Report |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables retail and restaurant businesses to identify comparable and noncomparable stores and then compare their sales revenue over a specified period in a year. The difference in revenue is displayed in percentage, according to specified metrics, to indicate the relative amount of increase or decrease in revenue. Bundle ID: 338212 |
Subscription Billing Enhanced UI |
Search & Install Bundles |
Subscription Billing Enhanced UI (formerly known as Time-Based Pricing SuiteApp) provides an enhanced time-based pricing user interface for subscription plans, price books, and subscriptions. It is designed for the creation and maintenance of complex subscription plans and subscriptions that require predefined pricing changes over time. Bundle ID: 363984 |
See Installing the Subscription Billing Enhanced UI SuiteApp. |
SuiteBilling Enhancements |
Search & Install Bundles |
SuiteBilling Enhancements SuiteApp provides additional features that you can use in conjunction with the Advanced Subscription Billing features. Bundle ID: 419588 |
SWV Contract Renewals Module |
Search & Install Bundles |
Manages recurring billing of both on-premise and on-demand software licenses and entitlements for software companies. Bundle ID: 187488 |
NetSuite Electronic Business |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides the foundation for NetSuite users to configure and participate in global business networks like Oracle Business Network (OBN) and PEPPOL. The SuiteApp provides global electronic invoicing solutions for country mandates worldwide by partnering with Avalara. |
Projects SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Invoice Presentation Template |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides project-based businesses the flexibility to present data in multiple formats through invoice presentation templates. The SuiteApp also adds different levels of details related to charges on invoices. |
Project 360 Dashboard |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
A project management dashboard that offers a centralized view of key metrics and data points to manage projects efficiently. |
Project Classification |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
The Project Classification SuiteApp enables organizations to associate their projects with financial segments such as department, class, and location. These segments can be used as defaults in transactions. You can also showcase the correct cost or profit center and ensure accurate financial reporting. |
Project Cost-to-Cost Percent Complete |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
The Project Cost-to-Cost Percent Complete SuiteApp is a cost-based percent complete approach to recognize revenue on projects. It provides you the flexibility to define the basis of budget and cost on projects. It also enables the calculation of project completion percentage based on the budget and the cost. |
See Installing the Project Cost-to-Cost Percent Complete SuiteApp. |
Project Resource Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
The Project Resource Management SuiteApp offers visual management of your project task assignments and resource allocations. You can edit existing tasks and allocations, and create new task assignments and allocations directly from the grid. Bundle ID: 164289 |
Project Risk Forecast |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets project managers monitor the health of projects and categorize them into risk levels. This SuiteApp also enables finance users to quickly identify the financial impact of known risks to charge-based billing projects. Bundle ID: 331180 |
Project Task Manager (formerly NetSuite Resource Manager) |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a graphic interface that displays all project resources and tasks in one place, with tools to help you manage project resources. Bundle ID: 241945 See Project Task Manager. |
See Project Task Manager. |
Purchase to Project |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Lets project managers create and manage purchase transactions related to projects and project tasks. This SuiteApp provides a unified project purchasing experience and gives understanding into project purchases. See Purchase to Project. |
See Purchase to Project. |
Resource Allocation Chart |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to edit existing allocations and create new allocations while visually managing employee utilization in a single chart. Resource Allocations feature is required. Bundle ID: 38321 |
Resource Skill Sets |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to set skills and abilities on employee records, and then search and assign project resources based on required skill sets. Bundle ID: 36477 See Resource Skill Sets. |
See Resource Skill Sets. |
Resource Allocations Custom Approval Workflow |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to use SuiteFlow to implement an approval routing process for resource allocations. Resource Allocations and SuiteFlow features are required. Bundle ID: 42036 |
Restaurants and Hospitality SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
R&H Commissary |
Search & Install Bundles |
A commissary kitchen is a centrally located kitchen within a customer's restaurant network that can store and produce food for all of the retail locations. Frontline restaurants can use the R&H Commissary bundle to place orders into the commissary kitchen. Bundle ID: 350037 See R&H Commissary. |
See R&H Commissary, chapter Installing R&H Commissary. |
R&H Dayparts |
Search & Install Bundles |
Daypart segmentation in the restaurant and hospitality industry is defined as dividing the day into service periods such as lunch, brunch, happy hour, or late-night snack. The R&H Dayparts bundle automatically assigns predefined Dayparts to integrated point-of-sale transactions in NetSuite, allowing businesses to accurately track and report sales performance by Daypart. Bundle ID: 310387 See R&H Dayparts. |
See R&H Dayparts, chapter Installing the R&H Dayparts Bundle. |
SuiteAnalytics SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Dashboard Tiles |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you display business–critical KPIs in bold visual layout with images and blinking alerts. Bundle ID: 185219 See Dashboard Tiles. |
Navigation Portlet |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to create navigation categories and shortcut groups to simplify navigation to commonly used menus in NetSuite. Bundle ID: 186103 See Navigation Portlet. |
Advanced SaaS Metrics |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables you to inspect and analyze recurring revenue for contract-based and software as a service (SaaS) business setups. |
SuitePeople SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting |
Search & Install Bundles |
Set up and track the health coverage offered to full-time employees, and electronically file the required health care coverage forms (1094–C and 1095–C) to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Bundle ID: 147355 |
Benefits Tracking |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to track your company’s benefits plans so that both Human Resources and employees can access the details of plans within NetSuite instead of using the benefits carriers’ websites. Bundle ID: 181105 See Benefits Tracking. |
Employee Directory and Org Browser |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables your employees to quickly and easily search for their colleagues by name, location, department, and job title. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, employees can also search by subsidiary. This SuiteApp also provides an Org Browser that your employees can use to quickly browse through the organizational chart for your company, viewing the supervisors and direct reports of fellow employees. Bundle ID: 112469 |
Employee Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to access employee reports that are available as NetSuite saved searches. When customized, the saved searches can be accessed from a unique Reports menu location. Bundle ID: 167330 |
Health and Safety |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to record and report on health and safety incidents in the workplace. With reporting features, you can generate reports that are required to document your compliance with regulatory requirements in your jurisdiction. Bundle ID: 109485 |
HR Dashboard Components |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets users view employee demographics, perform HR-related tasks, or access strategic reports. Configurable dashboards enable you to view reminders, quick links to HR pages, employee KPI data, and saved searches. Bundle ID: 288380 |
Onboarding/Offboarding Plans |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets HR professionals create employee plans, use premade plan templates or create their own, and receive notifications related to an employee onboarding or offboarding. Bundle ID: 244690 |
Payroll Dashboard |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides home page portlets that help you to perform regular payroll tasks and manage employees who are included in payroll. |
Recruiting Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides job requisition reports that are available as NetSuite saved searches. When customized, the saved searches can be accessed from a unique Reports menu location. Bundle ID: 167235 |
See Recruiting Reports. |
SuitePeople U.K. Localization |
Search & Install Bundles |
Lets you monitor information required by U.K. employee reporting regulations by using custom forms, fields, and saved searches. Bundle ID: 316598 |
SuitePeople Workforce Management |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a single solution to streamline shift scheduling, easily capture time and attendance across your workforce, and calculate wages. The mobile app provides a convenient way for managers and employees to accomplish common tasks, such as viewing schedules, managing shift swaps and more. Bundle ID: 317115 |
Time-Off Tracking |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables employees to submit time-off requests within their Employee Center role and provides a single-stage approval workflow that routes requests to the employee’s supervisor. Bundle ID: 112449 See Time-Off Management. |
Workforce Case Interaction |
Search & Install Bundles |
Allows your company to trace an ill employee’s interactions with others. Interaction with employees, customers, and vendors is tracked during times where highly contagious infections or viruses pose a threat to workforce health and safety. Bundle ID: 330007 |
Taxation SuiteApps
Legacy Tax SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Deferred VAT Recognition |
Search & Install Bundles |
Compute taxes for partial payments and creates journal entries for deferred VAT. Bundle ID: 250593 |
International Tax Reports |
Search & Install Bundles |
Supports VAT and GST reporting and online filing for more than 42 countries across Europe, Asia, and Latin America, all generated in the local format for ease and accuracy of submission. Includes EU Sales List reports, Intrastat reports, sales and purchase reports by tax code, and pre-configured tax codes when a new nexus is created. Bundle ID: 43003 |
Supplementary Tax Calculation |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to manage the following tax features on vendor bills, expense reports, checks, and vendor bill credits in NetSuite:
Bundle ID: 123426 See Recording Nondeductible Input Tax, Recording Tax on Prompt Payment Discount, and Posting Notional Tax Amounts. |
Tax Audit Files |
Search & Install Bundles |
Generates extracts of general ledger and sub ledger data from NetSuite, to be used by tax authorities to audit transaction data. Includes Singapore IAF, Mexico DIOT, OECD SAF-T, and Philippine RR09-2009 audit files. Bundle ID: 47492 See Tax Audit Files. |
Withholding Tax |
Search & Install Bundles |
Tracks withholding tax on sales and purchase transactions, and records it on the general ledger either at the time of accrual or at the time of payment, depending on the country's taxation rules. Provides summary and detailed withholding tax reports. Bundle ID: 47459 See Withholding Tax. |
SuiteTax SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Mexico Deferred Taxes |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides features and capabilities necessary to record deferred taxes for businesses operating in Mexico according to Mexico tax laws. |
SuiteTax Country Tax Reports APAC |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables users to generate APAC country tax reports including VAT/GST returns and supplementary VAT/GST reports. Using this SuiteApp, you can configure localized tax reports for Australia, New Zealand, and Philippines. Requires Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp. Bundle ID: 303913 |
SuiteTax EMEA Audit Files |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables users to generate SAF-T type accounting data and master file extracts that can be used during national or external tax audits. Currently supports Germany (GoBD)and France (FEC) audit files. Requires Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp. Bundle ID: 303920 |
SuiteTax Engine for VAT |
Search & Install Bundles |
SuiteTax Engine for VAT provides a scalable and flexible tax determination and calculation engine. This feature helps reduce the risk of non-compliance. Customers can adapt the feature to their own local needs. Bundle ID: 237702 See SuiteTax Engine. |
SuiteTax Engine for United States |
Search & Install Bundles |
SuiteTax Engine for United States includes enhanced tax determination logic for both origin and destination based states, covers the differences between intrastate and interstate sales, and works with zip+4 accuracy in tax determination. These features help both the business and finance users comply with various tax requirements. Bundle ID: 237702 See SuiteTax Engine. |
SuiteTax Latam Engine |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides a Tax Engine plug-in implementation and a structure of custom records that enables companies operating in Latin America to comply with local tax requirements. |
SuiteTax Latam Engine -Colombia Records |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Provides predefined plug-ins and records required to calculate taxes for companies doing business in Colombia. The SuiteApp enables you to determine and calculate IVA, RETEICA, RETEIVA, and RETEFUENTE taxes. |
Tax Reporting Framework |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables finance users and accountants to generate country tax reports including VAT/GST returns, supplementary VAT/GST reports, EU Cross-Border reports, and tax audit files. Using this SuiteApp, you can configure localized tax reports for your nexus and submit through electronic tax filing. Bundle ID: 237699 |
Vendors, Purchasing and Receiving SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Advanced Procurement |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables reference approval routing workflows for requisitions, purchase contracts, and blanket purchase orders. Also contains the Procurement Dashboard. Bundle ID: 57060 See the following help topics: |
See the topics: |
Inbound ASN Automation |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
Enables automation creation of inbound shipment records from advance ship notices received from the vendor. |
NetSuite Approvals Workflow |
Search & Install Bundles |
Validates transactions against predefined exception criteria using workflows. Includes the following: Bundle ID: 240841 |
Purchase Order Approval Workflow |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides a built-in purchase order approval routing process that you can modify for the specific needs of your business. Bundle ID: 239645 |
Transaction Email Capture |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables the Bill Capture feature to receive bills through email. The SuiteApp only works with Bill Capture, and it enables employees and vendors to send vendor bills directly through email. Bundle ID: 459771 |
Warehouse Management SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
SCM Mobile |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides mobile capabilities for the following apps: NetSuite WMS, Ship Central, Smart Count, and Manufacturing Mobile. Bundle ID: 534299 See SCM Mobile. |
See SCM Mobile Setup. |
Oracle NetSuite WMS |
Search & Install Bundles |
Contains the business logic that drives the following warehouse processes: Bundle ID: 533260 |
See NetSuite WMS Setup. Use of the NetSuite WMS SuiteApp requires that you first install the SCM Mobile SuiteApp. |
Oracle-NetSuite WMS Sync |
Search & Install Bundles |
Provides communication between your NetSuite account and your Oracle Warehouse Management Cloud account. Bundle ID: 233200 |
See Oracle-NetSuite WMS Sync, chapter Installing the Oracle-NetSuite WMS Sync SuiteApp. |
Wholesale Distribution SuiteApps
SuiteApp Name |
Install From |
Description |
Help Topic on Installing the SuiteApp |
Bill of Lading |
Search & Install Bundles |
Enables you to print the bill of lading document for selected item fulfillments. Bundle ID: 312584 See Bill of Lading. |
Deduction and Chargeback Management |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
The Deduction and Chargeback Management SuiteApp provides a quick and easy way to track payment deductions, create chargebacks and automate small balance write-offs. Easily create deduction credit notes and chargeback invoices when recording payments. Set the criteria to manage small balances left outstanding against invoices, then automatically write off the eligible balances |
See Installing the Deduction and Chargeback Management SuiteApp |
Rebates and Trade Promotions |
SuiteApp Marketplace |
The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp provides projected incentives through real time rebate calculation for items on a sales transaction. See Rebates and Trade Promotions |