Installing and Setting Up International Tax Reports


International Tax Reports SuiteApp is not compatible with the SuiteTax feature. If the SuiteTax feature is enabled in your NetSuite account, please do not install this SuiteApp.

If you are an account administrator, you can install the International Tax Reports SuiteApp in your account.


Make sure you perform the following prerequisites before you install the International Tax Reports SuiteApp:

To install the International Tax Reports SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

  2. On the Search & Install Bundles page, click Advanced.

  3. Enter the following:

    • Keywords =International Tax Reports

    • Location =Production Account

    • Account ID =3776651

  4. Click Search.

  5. Click the link for International Tax Reports (Bundle ID: 43003).

  6. On the SuiteApp Details page for International Tax Reports, click Install.


Removing the bundle from your account deletes the histories of your UK VAT 100 and EC Sales online submissions, as well as the custom fields on item and transaction records (such as Commodity Code, Delivery Terms, Nature of Transaction Codes, and Customs Registration Number fields used for Intrastat Reports and Türkiye Customs Declaration for Exports). Any data that you have entered on those custom fields will also be deleted and there is no way to retrieve them. You will also lose all the custom tax code properties on your tax code records.

Additional Setup

After installing the International Tax Reports SuiteApp, perform the following setup steps:

  1. Roles and Permissions

    Use the following roles provided by the International Tax Reports SuiteApp. These roles have already been set up with all the required permissions and access to script deployments:

    • Tax Reporting Accountant

    • Tax Reporting Accountant Reviewer

    • Tax Reporting CFO

    • Tax Reporting Bookkeeper

    If you want to use your own customized roles, read Creating or Customizing Roles to Use the International Tax Reports.


    The standard Bookkeeper role cannot access the reports in the International Tax Reports SuiteApp even if you add permissions and grant the role access to scripts and reports. You should use the pre-configured Tax Reporting Bookkeeper role instead.

  2. Report By Period

    Make sure that the Report By Period field in Home > Set Preferences > Analytics subtab is set to either Financials Only or All Reports. Report By Period should not be set to Never. The Report by Period user preference determines whether report data is calculated by date range or by period. See Reporting Preferences on the Set Preferences Page.

  3. Manage Tax Reporting

    For EU nexuses, set up nature of transaction codes to be used for Intrastat reporting. See Nature of Transaction Code.

  4. For Türkiye only: Customs Registration Number

    Display the Customs Registration Number field on your transaction forms. This field is hidden by default upon installation of the SuiteApp. The customs registration number is required for the Customs Declaration for Exports. To display the field on your forms, follow the steps in Displaying the Customs Registration Number Field on Transaction Forms.

  5. For Thailand only: Location filter

    The Location filter on the Thailand VAT report is not available to the Tax Reporting roles and the Accountant (Reviewer) role. To access the VAT reporting by location feature for Thailand, the Administrator must give those roles the Locations permission with Edit access level.

  6. Commodity Code

    Be sure to add commodity codes to item records used in EU transactions. The commodity code is used for Intrastat reporting. The Commodity Code field is found on the EU Intrastat Reporting subtab of the Item record. For an example, and for information about Item types that use commodity codes, see Commodity Code.

  7. VAT Registration Number

    Be sure to add valid VAT registration numbers to your customer records and vendor records. The Tax Reg. Number or VAT Registration No. field is found on the Financial subtab of the Customer record and Vendor record. For customers and vendors located in any of the member states of the European Union, the system validates the VAT number you enter in the field. In addition, a VIES Validation link is provided. You can also click this link to validate the number.

    Each EU country has its own VAT prefix and numbering format. For information, refer to the VAT identification number structure published by the European Commission.

  8. Formats of dates and numbers

    For each nexus associated with your subsidiaries, define how dates and numbers are displayed on VAT reports. The formats that you set up are applied to the VAT form, PDF, and drilldown reports. For more information, see Formatting Dates and Numbers for VAT Reports.

  9. Scripted Records

    Move the International Tax Reports Scripts at the top of the list to avoid conflict with other scripts. For more information, see International Tax Reports Best Practices.

Related Topics:

General Notices