Installing the Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp

Install the Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp from the SuiteApp Marketplace. For more information, see Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

Lot Auto Numbering is a managed SuiteApp that automatically updates whenever enhancements or new features are added.


Do not use the AutoLot_Custom_Role role delivered with the SuiteApp. The role is provided for internal processing and you must not use the role.

Prerequisites for Lot Auto Numbering

The Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp is developed and tested for use primarily with NetSuite OneWorld. For more information about NetSuite OneWorld, see Introduction to NetSuite OneWorld.

To use the Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp, an administrator must enable the following features:


Feature Name

Items & Inventory

  • Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management

  • Lot Tracking


  • Custom Records

  • Client SuiteScript

  • Server SuiteScript

  • SuiteCloud Development Framework

For more information, see Enabling Features.


Make sure that you do not have existing additional lot fields with any of the following names:

  • Heat Code

  • Manufactured Date

  • Supplier Lot Number

  • Country of Origin

If you have existing fields with any of the above names, you must rename them.

Roles and Permissions to Use the Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp

Administrators can create new roles or customize existing roles to use the Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp. For more information, see Assigning Roles to an Employee and Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

The following table provides minimum access levels for different permissions required to use the Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp:



Minimum Access Level


Find Transaction



Custom Record Entries


Documents and Files







Custom Entity Fields


Custom Fields


Custom Item Number Fields


Set Up Company




SuiteScript Scheduling


Custom Record

Auto Format Element Mapping


If the Edit access for Items permission is not provided, the following procedure helps to update the custom roles with Execute As Role for deployment. Follow the steps below to update the role in deployments:

To Update Custom Roles for Deployments:

  1. Go to Customizations > Scripting > Scripts.

  2. On the ALN UE Transaction script record, click Deployments . The script id for this record is customscript_aln_ue_transaction.

  3. On the customdeploy_aln_ue_txn link record, click Edit.

  4. From the Execute As Role dropdown list, select AutoLot_Custom_Role.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Perform the steps 3 to 5 for the below deployments:

    • customdeploy_aln_ue_transaction

    • customdeploy_aln_ue_transaction_po

    • customdeploy_aln_ue_inbound

    • customdeploy_aln_wo_cmplt

Center Category and Center Types

For a custom role, you can add the Lot Auto Numbering center category and links. Use the following information when creating the center category:

  • Center category label – Label the center category as Lot Auto Numbering.

  • Center type – Select the desired center type.

  • Center tab – Select the desired center tab.

  • Links – Add the following links:



    Lot Number Format

    Lot Number Formats

    Lot Number Format Element

    Lot Number Format Elements

    Additional Lot Fields

    Additional Lot Fields

For more information, see Creating Center Categories and Creating Center Links.

Multi-Language Support for Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp

If you enable the Multi-Language feature on the Enable Features page after installing the Lot Auto Numbering SuiteApp, follow the below procedure.

Running a Script for Supporting Multi-Language

If you have enabled the multi-language feature, you must run the ALN Multi Language Support Suitelet script. This step ensures that the lot number format elements available as part of the SuiteApp are also updated for translation.

To run a script for supporting Multi-Language:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. On the ALN Multi Language Support Suitelet script deployment, click View.

  3. In the deployment page, click the hyperlink in the URL field.

Related Topics

General Notices