Brazil Localization SuiteApp Installation


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

This topic guides you through the installation of the Brazil Localization SuiteApp.

Prerequisites for Installing the Brazil Localization SuiteApp

Before installing the Brazil Localization SuiteApp, you must meet the following requirements:

To enable features:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features.

  2. On the Company subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Multiple Units of Measure

    • Multi-Language

    • Multiple Currencies

    • File Cabinet

  3. On the Accounting subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Accounting

    • Accounting Periods

    • Installments

  4. On the Tax subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Advanced Taxes

    • SuiteTax


    The SuiteTax feature must be shared to your NetSuite account before you can enable it. For more information about SuiteTax, contact your account manager and see SuiteTax.

  5. On the Transactions subtab, check the Advanced Shipping box.

  6. On the Items & Inventory subtab, check the Inventory box.

  7. If you manufacture goods, on the Items & Inventory subtab, check the Assembly Items box.

  8. On the CRM subtab, check Opportunities box.

  9. On the SuiteCloud subtab, check the following boxes:

    • Custom Records

    • Advanced PDF/HTML Templates

    • Client SuiteScript

    • Server SuiteScript

    • Custom GL Lines

    • Custom Transactions

    • REST Web Services

  10. Click Save.

Installing the Brazil Localization SuiteApp

The Brazil Localization SuiteApp is a managed SuiteApp. Whenever there are enhancements or new features added, NetSuite automatically updates your account.

As a shared SuiteApp, Brazil Localization is only available for installation on authorized accounts. For more information, contact your account manager.

To install this SuiteApp, you must have permission and access to the SuiteApp Marketplace. For more information, see Viewing SuiteApps in the SuiteApp Marketplace.

To install the Brazil Localization SuiteApp:

  1. In NetSuite, go to SuiteApps.

  2. In the Search SuiteApps field, enter Brazil Localization.

  3. Click Brazil Localization.

  4. At the top-right area of the SuiteApp details page, click Install.

  5. Wait for the installation to complete.


    After the installation is complete, verify the status of the import that creates the predefined records. For more information, see Verifying the Import Status of the Brazil Localization Predefined Records.

For more information about the SuiteApp installation process, see Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

Verifying the Import Status of the Brazil Localization Predefined Records

After the Brazil Localization SuiteApp installation is complete, the import of the predefined records provided by the SuiteApp starts automatically.

Two script deployment records run in your account to import the predefined records.

The BRL SDF Installer script (Script ID customscript_brl_sdf_installer) directly creates the following record types:

  • Expense category

  • Item

  • Payment method

The BRL SC SDF Installer script (Script ID customscript_brl_sc_sdf_installer) triggers the CSV import that creates the predefined records for the following record types:

  • BACEN country code

  • Bank

  • Brazil state

  • CEST code

  • CNAB central clearing house

  • CNAB purpose of the DOC transfer

  • CNAB purpose of the TED transfer

  • CNAB return occurrence code

  • CNAB type of service

  • CNAE code

  • E-document category

  • File layout

  • GNRE revenue breakdown

  • GNRE revenue code

  • IPI legal framing code

  • Layout section

  • Parameter type alias mapping

  • Section source

  • Source field

  • Tax alias mapping

  • Transaction nature

Before you start using the Brazil Localization SuiteApp, you must verify the status of the import. The SuiteApp is ready to use after the import is complete.

To verify the import status of the Brazil Localization predefined records:

  1. Go to Setup > Import/Export > View CSV Import Status.

  2. In the Job Status list, verify the status information for the following jobs:






















  3. Wait until you can see the following information for the jobs:

    • The Status column is set as Complete

    • The Percent Complete column is set as 100%

    • The Message column states that all records were imported successfully


If you notice that the predefined records are missing from your account, view their respective script’s execution log. On the execution log, you can verify if errors occurred. For more information, see Using the Script Execution Log Tab.

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