Setting up the ACA Reporting SuiteApp

This section includes the requirements and procedures for installing the ACA Reporting SuiteApp.

Watch the following help video for information about setting up the ACA Reporting SuiteApp.

Prerequisites for Installing the ACA Reporting SuiteApp


To use the ACA Reporting SuiteApp, SuitePeople U.S. Payroll must be actively used during the filing year.

Before installing the ACA Reporting SuiteApp, the following features must be enabled:

  • Payroll — Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features > Employees

  • Custom Records — Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features > SuiteCloud

  • Client SuiteScript — Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features > SuiteCloud

  • Server SuiteScript — Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features > SuiteCloud

Applicable Large Employer (ALE) Member Information

To use the ACA Reporting SuiteApp, you must enter the legal name as it should appear on tax forms. You must also enter an employer identification number (EIN) for at least one subsidiary. For more information, see Creating Subsidiary Records. If you have employees that you are setting to part-time, those employees’ subsidiaries should have at least one payroll earning item type. For more information, see Creating Payroll Items.


If you use NetSuite OneWorld and multiple subsidiaries have the same EIN, note the following. The subsidiaries have the same ALE record, and the employees for those subsidiaries are included in a single ACA file when filing. Any subsidiaries with different EINs have different ALE records and must file ACA information separately.

Install the ACA Reporting SuiteApp

Only users with the Administrator role can install the ACA Reporting SuiteApp. This is a managed bundle and is automatically updated whenever there are updates.

After installation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) subtab appears on the employee record and access to the ACA landing page is available. For more information, see Updating Employee Records for ACA and View the ACA Landing Page.

The ACA Reporting SuiteApp can be disabled at any time. After it is disabled, billing stops and information for the current year is deleted. All filing data for prior years is retained for at least 7 years.

To install the ACA Reporting SuiteApp, go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles, and then click Advanced.

Use the following information to search for the SuiteApp:

  • Bundle Name - Affordable Care Act (ACA) Reporting

  • Bundle ID - 147355

For more information about installing SuiteApps, see Installing a Bundle.


If the Install button is not available or if you cannot find this SuiteApp, this SuiteApp might not have been shared with your account. To get access to the SuiteApp, contact Customer Support.

After the ACA Reporting SuiteApp Is Installed

Before you use the ACA Reporting SuiteApp, you must complete the following:

Roles and Permissions

Each role that requires access to the ACA Reporting SuiteApp must be specified on the ACA Grant Permissions page. To assign roles, go to Setup > Customization > ACA Grant Permission (Administrator).

Roles assigned to this permission can perform the following tasks:

Starting version 1.11.4, custom roles used by the SuiteApp require an additional permission.

To add the required permission to custom roles:

  1. Go to Setup > Users/Roles > User Management > Manage Roles.

  2. On the Manage Roles page, click Edit beside the name of the custom role.

  3. On the Role page, click the Permissions subtab.

  4. On the Custom Record subtab, select the record ACA CRUD Get Select List, set its level to Full, and click Add.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Repeat steps 1 – 5 for all custom roles used by the ACA Reporting SuiteApp.

Setting up a Default Recipient for ACA Notifications

You should set up a default recipient for ACA notifications. The default recipient receives an email message whenever changes applied to multiple employees for ACA reporting purposes have completed. This includes when an ACA offer of coverage plan has been assigned to multiple employees, and when multiple employees have been identified as part-time.

To set up a default recipient for ACA notifications:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Preferences > General Preferences (Administrator).

  2. Click the Custom Preferences subtab.

  3. From the Email Notification Recipient list, select the default recipient. The recipient must be an employee.

  4. Click Save.

View the ACA Landing Page

To access the ACA landing page, go to Transactions > Employees > Affordable Care Act (Administrator). You can also go to Payroll and HR > Payroll > Affordable Care Act (Payroll Manager). Here you will find the steps you need to complete for pre-filing and filing.


If the ACA SuiteApp was recently updated, an error message may appear. The message indicates that the ACA landing page is not available due to a data migration failure. In this case, you cannot use the ACA SuiteApp. Please contact support.

For more information, see the following help topics:

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General Notices