Installing Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp

The Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp requires a NetSuite OneWorld account. Only users with Administrator role can install the SuiteApp. For more information about installing a SuiteApp, see Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace and SuiteApp Marketplace in NetSuite.

  • After the SuiteApp is installed, a preferences record is created with a default template in the record. You can also set up your traveler preferences for the work order instructions and traveler reports. Setting up traveler preferences helps you to generate the report in the right template format and directory location within the file cabinet. For more information, read Updating Traveler Preferences.

  • If you want to reinstall Work Instructions and Traveler SuiteApp after uninstalling it, you must perform the following activities:

    • You can take a backup of Work Instructions & Traveler folder from the File Cabinet page. For more information about how to download a file or folder from the File Cabinet, see Downloading Files from the File Cabinet.

    • You must delete the Work Instructions & Traveler folder from the File Cabinet page and perform re-installation. For more about how to delete a file or folder from the File Cabinet, see Deleting Folders from the File Cabinet.

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