Japan Consumption Tax Reports
The Japan Localization SuiteApp includes consumption tax reports that are implemented as saved searches and saved reports. These consumption tax reports are not required and are different from the Japan Consumption Tax Form. The consumption tax reports contain tax information for specific categories that you can reference when preparing tax returns.
The consumption tax reports are:
Purchase Transactions with Tax Information
Purchase Tax by Tax Category
Sales by Tax Code
Purchases by Tax Code
Sales by Account
Purchases by Account
Purchase Transactions with Tax Information
You can view a list of purchase transactions with tax information by using the Purchase Transactions with tax Information report.
Go to Reports > Saved Searches > Purchase Transactions with Tax Information.
The report includes the following information:
Internal ID, Date
Posting Period
Transaction Type
Document Number
Vendor Name
Amount (Net)
Tax Code
Tax Rate
Amount (Tax)
Amount (Net +Tax)
Purchase Tax by Tax Category
The Purchase Tax by Tax Category report indicates tax amounts for each tax category used on your purchases. The report can be accessed by standard NetSuite Accountant and Accountant (Reviewer) roles that use the Accounting Center.
To generate the Purchase Tax by Tax Category report:
Go to Reports > Financial > Purchase Tax by Tax Category.
At the bottom of the page, select a date range.
(Optional) You can use the Department and Tax Code fields as optional filters for the report.
Click Refresh to generate the report.
The report includes the following information:
Tax Category: Main Category
Document Number
Net Amount (excluding Tax)
Tax Code
Tax Rate
Amount (Tax)
Gross Amount (including Tax)
Tax Category: Name
Transaction Type
Sales by Tax Code
You can view your sales according to tax code by using the Sales by Tax Code report.
Go to Reports > Saved Reports > 税金コード別売上.
At the bottom of the page, you can use the Department field as an optional filter for the report.
The report includes the following information:
Tax Code
Transaction Date
Account: Name
Department: Name
Customer Name
Transaction No.
Transaction Type
Net Amount
Tax Amount
Tax Rate
Gross Amount
This report is customized from Reports > VAT/GST > Sales by Tax Code (Detail).
Purchases by Tax Code
You can view your purchases according to tax code by using the Purchases by Tax Code report.
Go to Reports > Saved Reports > 税金コード別仕入.
At the bottom of the page, you can use the Department field as an optional filter for the report.
The report includes the following information:
Tax Code
Transaction Date
Account: Name
Department: Name
Vendor Name
Transaction No.
Transaction Type
Net Amount
Tax Amount
Tax Rate (Sales Tax Item: Rate)
Gross Amount
This report is customized from Reports > VAT/GST > Purchases by Tax Code (Detail).
Sales by Account
You can view your sales according to account by using the sales by Account report.
Go to Reports > Saved Reports > 売上消費税概要.
At the bottom of the page, you can use the Department and Tax Code fields as optional filters for the report.
The report includes the following information:
Account Name
Transaction Type
Transaction Date
Transaction No.
Net Amount
Tax Amount
Tax Code
Tax Rate
Gross Amount
This report is customized from 売上消費税概要.
Purchases by Account
You can view your purchases according to account by using the Purchases by Account report.
Go to Reports > Saved Reports > 仕入消費税概要.
At the bottom of the page, you can use the Department and Tax Code fields as optional filters for the report.
The report includes the following information:
Account Name
Transaction Type
Transaction Date
Transaction No.
Net Amount
Tax Amount
Tax Code
Tax Rate
Gross Amount
This report is customized from 仕入消費税概要.
Related Topics
- Consumption Tax Overview -Japan
- Setting Up Consumption Tax -Japan
- Setting Tax Rounding Methods -Japan
- Selecting Precision Settings -Japan
- Japan Consumption Tax Form
- What goes into each box – Japan Consumption Tax Form
- Tax Accounting Overview
- Enabling and Setting Up Taxation Features
- Advanced Taxes
- Creating Tax Codes -Other Nexuses