Size Charts
The Size Chart extension lets you add size charts to your web store, allowing shoppers to view sizing options without having to leave the Product Details page (PDP). In addition to a pop-up feature on the PDP, Size Chart also creates a specific landing page where shoppers can view several size charts.
Using this extension, you can provide information about sizes in the shopper’s preferred unit of measurement and offer tips on measurements and fit.
Commerce extensions are only available if provisioned, installed, and activated for a selected domain in your account. For more information, see Commerce Extensions.
Extensions require SuiteCommerce or the Aconcagua release of SCA or later.
This topic explains how to:
Size Chart Page
The Size Chart extension creates a size chart landing page with all the size charts for your website at
You can access the individual size charts by using the size chart record internal ID and the size chart name in the URL. Any spaces in the size chart name are replaced by underscores. For example, to display a size chart named Women's Tops, the URL is
Update the Field Sets
The field sets for a website determine the data that is exposed to site templates. To employ the Size Chart feature, you must add the Size Chart (Custom) and Size Chart ID (Custom) fields to the site’s field sets. For more information about field sets, see Define Field Sets.
To add Size Chart fields to the Web Site Setup Record:
Go to Commerce > Websites > Website List.
Click Edit next to the website to which you are adding Size Charts.
Go to the Field Sets subtab.
Add the Size Chart (Custom) and Size Chart ID (Custom) fields to the details and matrixchilditems field sets. To add each field to each field set, perform the following steps:
Locate the Fields Included in Field Set column and click the Set button.
Select the fields from the Field Name list and click Add.
In the Field Set window, click Submit.
In the Field Set row, click OK.
After adding all of the fields to the field sets, click Save.
Assign a Size Chart to an Item
You must determine the size chart to display when shoppers click the size chart link on the PDP. The size chart link only appears if you select a size chart on the Item record.
You can update item records individually or use Mass Update to add Size Charts to entire commerce categories. For more information about using the Mass Update functionality, see Mass Updates.
To assign a size chart to the item:
In NetSuite, go to Lists > Accounting > Items.
Click Edit next to the item to which you want to add a size chart.
Go to the SuiteCommerce Extensions tab and the Size Charts subtab.
In the Size Chart field, select the size chart you want to assign to the item.
Note:You can only assign one size chart to an item.
Click Save.
If the item is a Matrix Item, click Update Matrix.
If not, click Save.
Customize the Size Charts
The Size Chart extension includes 19 default size charts that you can use in your web store. These size charts include standard measurements in imperial and metric units for women’s, men’s, kid’s, and baby’s apparel. You can use the existing size charts or create new size chart records.
To add a new size chart:
Go to Lists > Web Site > Size Charts > New.
Note:If you make changes to the default size charts, you overwrite the existing values. If you want to create a new chart using another size chart as a template, view the chart and use the Make Copy action.
Set the following fields:
If checked, makes the size chart inactive.
Sets the name for the size chart. This name appears in the Size Chart field of the Item record.
Sets the title to display at the top of the size chart on your site.
Determines additional details to display with the size chart on your site, such as fit of the clothing and tips on taking measurements.
Determines the size chart to display.
You can use the basic formatting tools in Formatted Text editing mode or enter HTML tags using the Source editing mode.
Click Save.