Setting Up Warranty and Repairs Management
This section includes the requirements and procedures for installing Warranty and Repairs Management. After installing the SuiteApp, you can follow the procedures for setting up roles and permissions required by users to access and use the features.
Warranty and Repairs Management requires the Advanced Inventory module. For repair claims, in particular, the Assemblies and Work Order module is required.
To enable prerequisites:
Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features
In the Items & Inventory subtab, check the following appropriate boxes to enable warranty tracking for the following supported types:
Serialized Inventory
Lot Tracking
Assembly Items
Note:To let users track warranty for serial and lot numbered items, enable the Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory feature. To use and display the unit of measure for warranty registration, enable the Multiple Units of Measure feature.
To create warranty claims:
Customer Support and Service
Important:Bundle installation or update errors are encountered when this feature is not enabled.
Return Authorization
You can register a warranty and create claims even if this feature is disabled. However, you cannot create and process return authorization transactions for the claims.
To process claims for refund, repair, and replacement:
Sales Orders
Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management
When this feature is disabled, you can only process claims for regular inventory and assembly items. You must enable either the Serialized Inventory or the Lot Tracking feature before you can enable this feature.
Work Orders
Drop Shipments & Special Orders
To learn more, see Enabling Features.
The following preferences are related to the import of registration details:
Be sure to enable the following CSV Import Preferences: Run Server Side SuiteScript and Trigger Workflows. For more information and instructions, see Setting CSV Import Preferences.
Note:When these preferences are disabled, the validations for imported registration details are not carried out, which may result in corrupted data during claim processing.
If you want to update existing registrations, you must include the Internal Id of the records in your import file. You can display the Internal Id column on the Warranty Registration: Results page by enabling the Show Internal Ids preference. For more information, see General Personal Preferences.
If you want to enable automatic warranty registration on invoices created or saved using bulk processing or billing schedules, you must enable the Automatically Register Warranty on Invoice preference. To set the warranty preference:
Go to Lists > Warranty and Repairs > Warranty Setup.
On the Warranty Setup page, click the Set Warranty Preferences link.
On the Warranty Preferences page, click Edit.
Check the box for Automatically Register Warranty on Invoice.
Click Save.
Warranty and Repairs Management does not currently support the Advanced Bill of Materials (BOM) feature. Some functions of the SuiteApp may not work as designed when the feature is enabled.
Installing Warranty and Repairs Management
To install the Warranty and Repairs Management SuiteApp, go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles. Install the SuiteApp with the following details:
Bundle Name: Warranty and Repairs Management
Bundle ID: 51007
For more information about installing SuiteApps, see Installing a Bundle.
Warranty and Repairs Management is a managed SuiteApp and is automatically updated whenever there are upgrades. Issue fixes and enhancements are available after the SuiteApp is updated in your account.
Warranty and Repairs Management supports the Multi-Language feature. If the feature is enabled in your account, you can choose from the list of system-supported languages to use in your NetSuite user interface. For more information, refer to Configuring Multiple Languages and Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface.
Roles and Permissions in Warranty and Repairs Management
To set the permissions and enable access to custom warranty records:
After installing Warranty and Repairs Management:
You cannot provide access to roles from the Customer and Vendor Center where Warranty and Repairs Management is not available.
To import registration details, use a role with the Import CSV File permission.
Go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
Click the Edit or Customize link for the role you want to set up.
On the Role page, Forms subtab, click the Custom Record subtab.
Enable the following forms:
Form Type
Form Name
WRM Preference
Standard WRM Preference Form
Warranty Registration
Warranty Registration Form
WRM Warranty Claim
Standard WRM Warranty Claim Form
On the Permissions subtab, set the minimum required access level for the following custom records, transactions, and lists:
To associate warranty information with an item record:
Permission Level
Custom Lists
Warranty Terms
Custom Record
To register a warranty from an invoice:
Permission Level
Custom Lists
Warranty Terms
Custom Record
Warranty Registration
Custom Record
WRM Preference
Custom Record
WRM Registration Queue
Custom Record
To manually register a warranty:
Permission Level
WRM Preference
Custom Record
Warranty Terms
Custom Record
To process a warranty claim:
Permission Level
Custom Lists
Failure Reason
Custom Record
Warranty Registration
Custom Record
WRM Warranty Claim
Custom Record
To process refunds, replacements, and repairs:
Permission Level
Credit Memo
Sales Order
Work Order
Custom Lists
Warranty Registration
Custom Record
WRM Warranty Claim
Custom Record
Return Authorization
To delete a warranty registration:
Permission Level
Warranty Registration
Custom Record
NetSuite Center views can vary depending on your role. You can view specific pages using the following path:
Warehouse – Inventory > Warranty and Repairs
Administrator – Lists > Warranty and Repairs
Executive or Accounting – Financials > Warranty and Repairs
Sales – Customers > Warranty and Repairs
Support – Cases > Warranty and Repairs
Adding Warranty and Repairs Management Fields to Custom Forms
You can use your own custom forms to register warranties and process claims. You have to add or enable the custom warranty fields on your existing forms. The following instructions describe how you can manually set up these fields on your custom form.
To add the fields to custom forms:
Go to Customization > Lists, Records, and Fields and then click the field type from the menu. The following table shows the list of custom fields that are created for the forms used in warranty transactions.
Field Type
Field Label
Transaction Column Fields
Register Warranty
View Registration
Warranty Terms
Original Warranty Expiration
Case (Warranty Claim)
CRM Fields
Warranty Type
Warranty Registration No.
Inventory Item or Assembly Item
Item Fields
Track Warranty
Warranty Terms
Warranty Expiration
Repaired Item (for Assembly Item only)
Return Authorization
Transaction Body Fields
Claim Number
Replacement SO No.
Transaction Column Fields
Claim Item
Item Receipt or Credit Memo
Transaction Body Fields
Claim Number
Transaction Column Fields
Claim Item
Sales Order
Transaction Body Fields
Claim Number
Return Authorization
Transaction Column Fields
Claim Item
Item Fulfillment or Work Order
Transaction Body Fields
Claim Number
Warranty Registration
Other Custom Fields
Reference Invoice No.
Warranty Registration
Other Custom Fields
Reference Serial/Lot No.
In the list of fields for your selected field type, click the link for the field label or description.
Important:On your custom form, you can add the standard Quantity and Units fields that are used on the Warranty Registration form. If you have the Multiple Units of Measure feature enabled in your account, however, the Units field is not optional on custom forms. The SuiteApp uses the Units column to determine the quantity in the Warranty Registration record so you must add the field.
On the specific Field page, click Apply to Forms.
On the Apply Custom Field to Forms page, in the Show column, check the box for the forms where you want to enable the field.
Click Save.
View your custom forms to verify that warranty fields are displayed and enabled.