Rebates and Trade Promotions
A rebate is a partial refund of the cost of products and services given by suppliers as an incentive to encourage customer loyalty and increase sales and profits.
The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp is designed to calculate and track rebates awarded after a sale. Using the SuiteApp, the effect on profits can be measured, and the rebates can be claimed or disbursed.
The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp enables you to:
Create and maintain rebate agreements
Calculate and accrue rebates on sales and purchase transactions based on item unit selection
Calculate and accrue rebates on sales and purchase transactions created through CSV import, SOAP integration, and REST integration
Override system-suggested rebates applied on sales and purchase transactions
Stack multiple rebates and leverage best deal logic on non-stackable rebate agreements
Stack standard rebates and volume rebates
Set a minimum or maximum rebate amount as a best deal
Track changes to rebate agreements and calculate rebates on future transactions based on the agreement changes
Recalculate rebates for quantity or price changes on sales or purchase transactions associated with expired rebate agreements.
Process stand-alone and linked returns
Change item quantity on returns linked to source transactions
Automate accruals
Edit settlement details before generating a pro forma or a settlement
Generate claim pro forma and disbursement pro forma
Settle rebates automatically or manually
The Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp is available in all language that NetSuite supports. For more information, read the help topics Configuring Multiple Languages and Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface.
Read the following topics for more information about this SuiteApp:
Read the following topics to set up the Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp:
Related Topics
- Rebates and Trade Promotions
- Rebates and Trade Promotions Process Flow
- Rebates and Trade Promotions Limitations and Best Practices
- Setting Up the Rebates and Trade Promotions SuiteApp
- Setting Up Rebate Agreement Records
- Creating Transactions with Rebates
- Rebates Applied to Transactions
- Rebate Accruals
- Rebate Settlements