Setting up the Enhanced Sales Center


Before you download and install the SuiteApp, you must enable the following features:

To enable these features, go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. Click on the CRM subtab. Check the boxes next to Customer Relationship Management and Sales Force Automation.


If you do not use the Opportunities and Customer Support and Service features, you must delete the Opportunities and Support tabs. To delete custom center tabs, go to Customization > Centers and Tabs > Center Tabs. Click Edit next to the Opportunities tab. On the Actions list, click Delete. Click Save. Delete the Support tab in the same manner.

Installing the Enhanced Sales Center


You can install this SuiteApp on NetSuite 2012.1 or later.

Bundle Name: Enhanced Sales Center

Bundle ID: 58416

Location: Production (Account ID: 3966833)

Availability: Public

For more information on installing SuiteApps, see Installing a Bundle.

For updates to the Enhanced Sales Center, an account administrator or a user with SuiteApp Marketplace permission can update the installed bundle. For more information, see Installed Bundle Updates.

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