Engineering Change Order
The Engineering Change Order feature is part of the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp V4.0. For more information, see Installing the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp.
The Engineering Change Order feature lets you generate engineering change order (ECO) records. These records document changes to your Bills of Materials (BOMs) and authorize the implementation of those changes.
Using the ECO record, you can list item and bill of materials to be updated, and specify reasons for the change.
Through the SuiteApprovals workflow, you create approval rules for your ECO records.
Each ECO record is evaluated and routed for approval through the applicable approval rule.
After approval, changes entered on the ECO record are automatically or manually implemented, and affected records are modified.
You can keep track of revisions to items and BOMs using ECO lists and implementation logs.
Refer to the following concepts before enabling Engineering Change Order:
Advanced Bill of Materials -List the quantities of raw materials, assemblies, sub-components, and parts needed to manufacture a product at one or multiple facilities. After your administrator enables the Advanced Bill of Materials feature, the Advanced BOM replaces the Assembly/Bill of Materials record. For more information, see Advanced Bill of Materials.
Approval Routing – When you use approval routing, transactions that are entered are not processed until they are approved. This provides oversight to persons of authority who can reject some transactions if they do not want them to continue being processed. For more information, see Approval Routing.
The Engineering Change Order feature is available in the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp. For information about this SuiteApp, see the Availability section of Supply Chain Management Reports. You may also contact your NetSuite account manager.
Engineering Change Order supports Inventory and Assembly Items only.
Use of the feature requires Advanced Bill of Materials.
Custom workflows for ECO approval are not currently supported.
A User Event (UE) script execution threshold is associated with successful loading of ECO records. ECO records are successfully loaded when the account has no more than 80,000–90,000 active assembly and inventory items per subsidiary.
Support for SOAP web services and CSV import is currently not available with the feature.
The feature does not support Legacy BOM. For more information, see Enabling Advanced BOM.
Related Topics
- Setup Requirements for Engineering Change Order
- Setting Up Engineering Change Order Types
- Setting Up SuiteApprovals Workflow for Engineering Change Order
- Using Engineering Change Order
- Manufacturing Overview
- Assembly Items
- Assembly Work Orders
- Advanced Bill of Materials
- Bill of Materials Member Control for Assembly Items
- Manufacturing Work In Process (WIP)
- Manufacturing Routing
- Outsourced Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Preferences Overview
- SuiteAnalytics Manufacturing Workbook
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Mobile
- Manufacturing