Setting Up And Installing Finland Tax Reports


This content is about Finland tax reports for accounts with SuiteTax. For content relevant for accounts without SuiteTax, see Finland Help Topics.

Before you can use the Finland Tax Reports features, you need to setup your account. This process includes enabling required features, installing required SuiteApps, and filling required fields.

Required Features

Before you can use the Finland Tax Reports features, you must enable required features. These features will be enabled for the whole account.

To enable required features

  1. Go to Setup>Company>Enable Features

  2. Enable every feature mentioned in the table below by selecting the box next to it.

  3. Click Save.

Required Features




Tax>Tax & Compliance>SuiteTax


Accounting>Basic Features>Accounting



Server-side Scripting

SuiteCloud>SuiteScript>Server SuiteScript

Client-side Scripting

SuiteCloud>SuiteScript>Client SuiteScript

Customer Relationship Management

CRM>Basic Features>Customer Relationship Management

Required SuiteApps


Finland Tax Reports is a shared SuiteApp. Before you can install it, contact Customer Support Services for permission.

Before you can use the Finland Tax Reports features, you must install required SuiteApps.

Thanks to the Localization Assistant SuiteApp, you can streamline the installation of Finland Tax Reports and its required SuiteApps.

Localization Assistant SuiteApp will help you identify and install SuiteApps required in a specific Location. For more information about Localization Assistant SuiteApp, see Localization Assistant SuiteApp.

To install required SuiteApps

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteCloud Development > SuiteApp Marketplace.

  2. Search for Localization Assistant.

  3. Go to Setup > Localization Assistant > Manage Localizations.

  4. In the Country field, select Finland.

  5. In the Mandatory SuiteApps table, install the required SuiteApps in the order they are listed by clicking Install in the SuiteApp Actions column, until all SuiteApps are listed as Installed in the SuiteApp Status column. Finland Tax Reports is the last SuiteApp in the list to be installed.

Required SuiteApps

The table below lists the SuiteApps that need to be installed for Finland Tax Reports to function correctly:

Installation Order





Localization Assistant


For more information, see Installing the Localization Assistant SuiteApp.


SuiteTax Engine


For more information, see SuiteTax Engine.


SuiteTax Data Records


For more information, see Installing the SuiteTax Data Records Bundle.


Tax Reporting Framework


For more information, see Tax Reporting Framework.

Required Fields

After the required SuiteApps were installed, the following fields must be provisioned for Finland Tax Reports. Make sure they are available in your NetSuite account.


If the fields are not filled out correctly, the report generation for the reports will be unsuccessful.

Field Name




Unique ID used for the purposes of identification with Vero Skatt

Setup>Company>Subsidiary Settings Manager>Subsidiary>Tax Registrations>Tax Registration Number

Tax Registration Number is identical to Business ID number with a FI prefix and without the dash between the last two digits. For example, if the Business ID is 0123456-7, the Tax Registration Number must be FI01234567 or 01234567.

If the Tax Registration Number is not set, the report will still generated successfully, but will not be considered acceptable by Vero Skatt.

Subsidiary Name

Name of the subsidiary

Setup>Company>Subsidiary Settings Manager>Subsidiary>Name

General Notices