Cash 360

Cash 360 lets you effectively manage cash flow by providing a real-time view of your company’s cash position and the ability to generate fast and accurate near-term forecasts.

The SuiteApp has a cash management dashboard where you can do the following:

You can also do the following in the Cash 360 SuiteApp:

Cash forecasts are derived from NetSuite data. There is no need to set up or import data from other sources.

With this SuiteApp, receivable transactions for your company such as interest and dividend payments, non-recurring cash flow such as financing and sale of assets can be set as additional inflow transactions. Payable transactions such as cash disbursements for purchases, payroll, taxes, interest, dividends, rent, and any projected debt repayments can be set as additional outflow transactions.

Cash 360 is available by default only on NetSuite Classic and Accounting Centers.

This SuiteApp is available in all languages that NetSuite supports. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.

Read the following topics to learn more about this SuiteApp:


Cash 360 is a public and managed SuiteApp. As a managed SuiteApp, it is automatically updated when enhancements or new features are added.

For instructions on installing this SuiteApp, see Installing Cash 360.

General Notices