March 17, 2025
Release Notes
Updated link to PDF file of the Release Notes to point to v10. For the latest version of the Release Notes, see NetSuite 2025.1 Release Notes.
Account Administration
Added release notes for New System Notes Permission for the Analytics Data Source
Added the release note Changes to Auto-Create Rule Behavior.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Updated the release note Use Customer 360 to View Additional Metrics by adding more details about the Recent Activities tab.
Added release notes for Simplification of Custom Fields Data Transfer to NetSuite Analytics Warehouse.
Added release notes for New NetSuite Analytics Warehouse Data Reload Feature.
Localization SuiteApps
Added release notes for Denmark Tax Reports Enhancements.
Added release notes for Spain Localization Enhancements.
Added release notes for United Kingdom Localization Enhancements.
SuitePeople SuiteApps
Added a release note for Time Clock Updates for Illinois Biometric Privacy and User Experience.
SuiteCloud Development Framework
Updated Changes to Audience Fields in Script Deployments and Single Page Applications to remove the note about the target availability of this feature. This feature is now available in NetSuite 2025.1 accounts.
Updated Changes to Audience Settings in Script Deployments and Single Page Applications to remove the note about the target availability of this feature. This feature is now available in NetSuite 2025.1 accounts.
Added release notes for New and Updated SuiteScript Supported Records.
Updated the release note Use Customer 360 to View Additional Metrics by adding more details about the Recent Activities tab.
Added the Customer 360 Compatibility and Cross-Subsidiary Record Viewing help topic.
Updated the The Customer 360 View article to include more information about the Recent Activities tab.
Country-Specific Features
Added the following help topics under Brazil Reports:
Renamed the Generating Statutory Reports for Brazil help topic to Generating SPED Files.
Updated the following help topics under Brazil Reports:
Available Statutory Reports for Brazil, to include information about the EFD-Reinf and changes to the ECF, EFD Contribuições, and EFD ICMS IPI file layouts.
Brazil Reports SuiteApp Installation, to include imports of predefined records related to the EFD-Reinf.
Known Limitations of the Brazil Reports SuiteApp, to include a limitation regarding the download of country tax reports.
Prerequisites for Generating Statutory Reports for Brazil, to include prerequisites to generate and send the EFD-Reinf.
Roles and Permissions for Brazil Reports, to include default permissions for EFD-Reinf records.
Updated the following help topics under Brazil Localization to include fields related to the generation of the EFD-Reinf:
Updated the Finding Predefined E-Document Template Files for Brazil help topic to include the location of the templates for EFD-Reinf events.
Employee Management
In the SuitePeople Workforce Management section, updated the following:
Added the Workforce Management Security Guide section to provide security guidance for WFM users.
Updated topics in the SuitePeople Time Clock and Configuring Workforce Management sections to document Time Clock updates for Illinois biometric privacy and user experience.
Updated the Setting up SuitePeople Time Clock for Windows topic with changes to the procedure for enabling two-factor authentication.
Field Service Management
Added the release notes for version 2025.01.2 in Field Service Management Release Notes.
NetSuite Basics
Updated the Artificial Intelligence (AI) in NetSuite topic with information about Prompt Studio. Replaced availability details for generative AI features with links to the Generative AI Availability in NetSuite topic.
NetSuite Enterprise Performance Management
Updated the NetSuite EPM Connector Version Notes help topic with details about version 25.1 of the NetSuite EPM Connector SuiteApp.
Added help topics for the initial version of Close Management and Consolidation Sync SuiteApp.
Under NetSuite Planning and Budgeting:
Updated the Planning and Budgeting Sync Version Notes help topic with details about version 24.2.3 of the Planning and Budgeting Sync SuiteApp.
Included NSPB – Social Impact Saved Searches in the help topic Saved Searches for Planning and Budgeting Sync.
SuiteCloud Development Framework
Updated the following SDF custom objects to align with the audience changes in the script deployment record:
clientscript scriptdeployment
massupdatescript scriptdeployment
portlet scriptdeployment
restlet scriptdeployment
suitelet scriptdeployment
usereventscript scriptdeployment
workflowactionscript scriptdeployment
Updated the following help topics to add information about the changes to single page application (SPA) audience settings:
singlepageapp SDF XML reference
Updated the following topics to align with the audience changes in the script deployment record:
Updated the following help topics for Single Page Applications to add information about the changes to SPA audience settings:
Added the following help topics to SuiteScript Supported Records: