Localization SuiteApps

This release note was updated March 17, 2025.

Following are the 2025.1 localization enhancements to SuiteApps:

Brazil Banking Integration Now Available

The Brazil Banking Integration SuiteApp enables you to reconcile your bank statements with your NetSuite transactions. In version 1.0.0, the SuiteApp supports the import of bank statements from Banco do Brasil.

Brazil Banking Integration is only available for installation on authorized accounts. It is a public and managed SuiteApp.

For more information, see Brazil Banking Integration.

Brazil Localization Enhancements

In NetSuite 2025.1, enhancements to Brazil Localization include the following:

CNAB Delivery Files Supporting Larger Volumes of Transactions or Installments

Brazil Localization now enables you to adjust the number of SuiteCloud processors that NetSuite uses to generate CNAB delivery files.

If you want to generate CNAB delivery files with large volumes of transactions or installments, you can increase the number of processors to improve performance.

Multiple Referenced Electronic Invoices

Brazil Localization now enables you to enter up to 999 access keys in the Referenced Electronic Invoice field in transactions. Previously, this field only supported the input of one access key.

For more information, see Electronic Invoicing for Brazil.

New Inbound Delivery Transaction

The SuiteApp includes a new inbound delivery type of transaction that replaces the existing inbound delivery. The new transaction has the same functionality as the retired inbound delivery. Additionally, the new inbound delivery enables you to register inventory details and add new lot numbers.

For more information, see Generating Electronic Invoices for Inbound Deliveries for Brazil.

New Purchasing and Receiving Process for Imported Goods

You can now integrate the import bill into your purchasing process in NetSuite by creating import bills from purchase orders. Eligible purchase orders display the Create Import Bill button.

For more information, see Purchasing and Receiving Imported Goods in Brazil.

Purpose in Transaction Natures

Transaction nature records now include the Purpose field. With this enhancement, you can indicate that specific conditions apply to transactions with a given nature. Brazil Localization provides predefined purposes for imports of goods and sales to end consumers.

For more information, see Setting Up Transaction Natures for Brazil.

Brazil Reports Enhancements

In NetSuite 2025.1, enhancements to Brazil Reports include the following:

Accounting Contexts Support

Brazil Reports now supports accounting contexts, enabling you to print location-specific account names and numbers in your reports.

The SuiteApp displays the Accounting Context field on the Country Tax Reports page when you generate the following reports:

  • Brazil balance sheet

  • Brazil general journal

  • Brazil general ledger

  • Brazil trial balance

For more information, see Accounting Contexts.

City of the Service Provision

Provided services and received services fiscal books will now include the city where the service was provided.

If you fill the Location field on transactions, NetSuite now prints the location as the city where the service was provided in provided services and received services fiscal books.

If you leave the field empty, NetSuite populates the city of the transaction's issuer as the city of the service provision in the fiscal books. For invoices, the issuer is the subsidiary. For vendor bills, the issuer is the vendor.

Consolidated Reports

Brazil Report enables you to generate a consolidated report that includes information from a parent subsidiary and all its child subsidiaries. The option to consolidate reports is available on the Brazil Reports Settings page for the following reports:

  • Brazil balance sheet

  • Brazil general journal

  • Brazil general ledger

  • Brazil trial balance

For more information, see Generating Country Tax Reports for Brazil.

Cost Centers in Reports

If your company uses cost centers, you can now include this information in your reports for Brazil. With Brazil Reports, cost centers correspond to department records in NetSuite.

The SuiteApp includes cost center information in the following reports:

  • Brazil balance sheet

  • Brazil general journal

  • Brazil general ledger

  • Brazil trial balance

  • ECD file

  • EFD Contribuições file

  • PIS and COFINS assessment

You can choose whether you want to display or hide the cost centers from your reports.

For more information, see Cost Centers in Reports for Brazil.

ECF File Layouts per Tax Regime

Brazil Reports now provides separate Escrituração Contábil Fiscal (ECF) file layouts for the Lucro Real and Lucro Presumido tax regimes.

Each file layout includes sections and records that are relevant to businesses that adhere to the corresponding tax regime.

For more information, see Available Statutory Reports for Brazil.

Populated ICMS Credit Balance

When you create ICMS assessment records, NetSuite now retrieves your credit balance from the previous assessment period. The system populates the ICMS Credit Balance field with the existing balance when you save the new ICMS assessment record.

For more information, see Assessing ICMS.

New Denmark Tax Reports

The Denmark Tax Reports SuiteApp version 1.0.0 has been released to the public.

Denmark Tax Report lets you generate the Denmark Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) report.

SAF-T (Standard Audit File for Tax) is an international standard format for exchanging electronic accounting data, developed by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development). It is designed to facilitate efficient tax audits and ensure compliance with local tax regulations.

Effective January 1 2025, the new requirements apply to businesses operating in Denmark, mandating the submission of SAF-T files as part of regular tax reporting. Denmark's SAF-T follows the OECD SAF-T version 2.0 standard.

You can download the Denmark Tax Reports from the SuiteApp Marketplace. It is only available for accounts without SuiteTax.

You can generate the Denmark SAF-T report through Country Tax Reports.

For more information, see Denmark Tax Reports

Denmark Tax Reports Enhancements

The following features and enhancements have been implemented in version 1.1.0 of Denmark Tax Reports:

  • Discount Support – Discounts are now supported in Sales Invoice lines and GL Entries. The Settlement node in payments will display the total discount amount, except in cases where the discount equals the payment amount. In this case the payment will show no lines.

  • Payment Section – A payment section has been addedd to the SAF-T report.

  • Error Messages – New error messages have been implemented for the GL accounts section, GL entries section, and the Company Registration Number and Company Tax Registration Number fields.

  • SAF-T Format Validations – New validations for some fields have been implemented to ensure they are in the correct SAF-T format. This allows submission of a complete file to the Danish Business Authority.

  • Text Field Trimming – Text fields that exceed the character limit will be automatically trimmed in the SAF-T report, preventing potential errors.

Germany Localization Enhancements

Germany Localization SuiteApp version 1.9.0 includes the following enhancements:

  • Introduction of the Yearly VAT Report – USt 2A

    In this version, you can generate and export the Yearly VAT Report – USt 2A. You can export the generated report in the XML file format prepared to be processed by ELSTER. The SuiteApp also allows you to edit text fields, number fields, and boxes in your generated report before its submission to the tax authority.

For more information, see Germany Localization.

Localization Assistant SuiteApp Enhancements

The Localization Assistant SuiteApp Version 1.3.0 includes the following enhancements :

  • You can now customize ISO 20022 EFT and DD templates from the Manage Payment Formats page by clicking the Customize link

  • You can now also hide and unhide fields in Edit and Create mode by using LRCFM

  • You can now check the Mandatory box for fields based on their context using the is Mandatory parameter in the LRCFM plugin implementation. By default the Mandatory box for fields must be cleared.

  • You can now use the showOnlyIn parameter in the LRCFM plugin implementation which helps display the fields only in mentioned records if the localization context matches.

For more information, see Localization Assistant SuiteApp

Malaysia Electronic Invoicing Enhancements

NetSuite 2025.1 includes the following enhancements to Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp:

Malaysia Electronic Invoicing Version 1.3.0

Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp version 1.3.0 will include the following enhancements:

Support for Consolidated Invoices

Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp version 1.3.0 supports consolidated invoices. You can now submit consolidated invoices on monthly basis to IRBM/LHDN using the Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp.

Support for Inbound E-documents

You can now upload inbound e-documents in XML format and convert it into vendor bill.

Malaysia Electronic Invoicing Version 1.4.0

The Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp version 1.4.0 will include the following enhancements:

Support for Single Instance (SI) Accounts

Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp version 1.4.0 now supports Single Instance (SI) accounts to enhance flexibility and compatibility.

Support for Line Discounts and Line Charges

You can now include line discounts and line charges directly in the invoices to enable more detailed and accurate invoicing.

Support for Transaction-Level MSIC Code

You can select MSIC code directly for individual transactions. If you do not select the MSIC code, it is automatically selected from the subsidiary by default.

Malaysia Electronic Invoicing Version 1.4.2

The Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp version 1.4.2 includes the following enhancements:

Support for Multi Accounting Books

Malaysia Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp version 1.4.2 now supports consolidated invoicing for accounts that have full multi book feature enabled.

Support for Line Discounts and Line Charges for Consolidated Invoicing

The SuiteApp version 1.4.2 includes line charges and discounts when generating consolidated invoices to improve flexibility and accuracy.

Updated MSIC Codes as per IRBM Guidelines

MSIC codes are now updated in accordance with the latest guidelines from the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM).

SAF-T Reporting Framework SuiteApp Enhancements

SAF-T Reporting Framework SuiteApp version 1.1.0 includes the following enhancements:

  • Inclusion of Discounts in SAF-T Reports

    In this version, the generated SAF-T reports include discounts.

  • Inclusion of Payments in SAF-T Reports

    In this version, the generated SAF-T reports include payments. You can find payment information in the SourceDocuments node of your generated XML file.

  • Introduction of Danish Translation of the SuiteApp

    In this version, the SAF-T Reporting Framework SuiteApp is also be available in Danish.

For more information, see SAF-T Reporting Framework.

Singapore PEPPOL-Ready e-Invoicing Enhancements

The Singapore PEPPOL-Ready e-Invoicing SuiteApp version 5.0.0 includes PEPPOL International (PINT) standard that regulates and streamlines the international e-invoicing processes. PINT standard enables businesses and government entities to exchange invoices internationally using the Singapore PEPPOL network. Along with the existing Business Interoperability Specifications (BIS) Billing 3.0 specification standard, the SuiteApp now supports PINT standards that include PINT-SG and PINT Wildcard.

  • PEPPOL International Singapore (PINT-SG): This standard is used to manage transactions among Singapore entities.

  • PINT Wildcard: This standard is used to manage transactions between Singapore and international entities.

The new Billing Method is now added to customer, invoice, and credit memo records. Use the field to select the standard you want to apply to a transaction:

  • BIS 3.0


  • PINT Wildcard

For more information, see Singapore PEPPOL-Ready e-Invoicing.

Southeast Asia Localization Enhancements

Southeast Asia Localization SuiteApp version 7.00.0 includes the following updates to the Philippines Invoicing functionality:

Official Receipts Updates

Official receipts are delegated as a supplementary document and cannot be used to support input tax claims. Invoices are now the primary supporting document for VAT purposes. With this, the following changes are introduced:

  • In Philippines Official Receipt PDF/HTML Template, the phrase “THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID FOR CLAIM OF INPUT TAX” now appears in the footer section. When printing official receipts with multiple pages, the footer phrase appears on the bottom of the last page of the receipt.

  • Philippines Official Receipt PDF/HTML Template (Without Footer Phrase) is removed and can no longer be used. If you use this template, you must map your custom form to use Philippines Official Receipt PDF / HTML Template. Refer to Mapping Preformatted Document Types and Templates to Transaction Forms for instructions.


    Printing a transaction that is associated with a deleted template may result in an error.

  • The Tax Summary section is now removed in collection receipts or official receipts because it is no longer the basis of output tax liability for sellers and input tax claims for buyers. However, for existing payment transactions that have not yet been printed or for those which are already printed prior to this release, including reprint transactions, the Tax Summary section remains.

For information, see the following help topics:

New Invoice Template Formats for Single Type VAT Transactions

The following are new invoice template formats for VAT-Zero Rated Sale or VAT-Exempt Sale transactions:

  • Zero-rated sales invoice – This is used if all items in a transaction are subject to zero percent (0%) VAT.

    This invoice includes the following details:

    • The phrase “ZERO-RATED SALE” appears in the header.

    • The label “Total Zero-rated Sales” is used for the total amount of sale.

  • VAT-exempt sales invoice – This is used if all items in a transaction are exempt from VAT.

    This invoice includes the following details:

    • The phrase “VAT-EXEMPT SALE” appears in the header.

    • The label “Total VAT-Exempt Sales” is used for the total amount of sale.

    • The phrase “THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT VALID FOR CLAIM OF INPUT TAX” appears on the bottom of the invoice. When printing sales invoices with multiple pages, the footer phrase appears on the bottom of the last page of the invoice.

New Tax Summary Breakdown for Mixed Transactions

For mixed transactions, the sales involved are now broken down into VATable Sales, VAT Amount, VAT Exempt Sales, and Zero-Rated Sales in the Tax Summary section.

For single type VAT transactions, such as line-items that are purely zero-rated or VAT-exempted, the Tax Summary section no longer appears.

New Transaction Total Summary Breakdown for Mixed Transactions

For mixed transactions, VAT details are now broken down into Less: VAT, Amount: Net of VAT, and Add: VAT when the Print Inclusive of VAT box is checked for subsidiaries.

For more information about including VAT details on printed Philippines documents, see the help topic Displaying VAT Breakdown.

Spain Localization Enhancements

Spain Localization SuiteApp version 2.1.0 includes the following enhancements:

  • Update of the Spain VAT Report Customization

    In this version, the previously supported customization of Spain VAT reports is removed. Instead, the SuiteApp introduces a new method of customizing Spain VAT reports that is interconnected with the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp. This new feature now supports the customization of all Spain VAT reports supported by the Spain Localization SuiteApp.

  • Introduction of the Modelo 347 Report

    In this version, the Spain Localization SuiteApp enables you to generate the Modelo 347 report. After your report is successfully generated, you can download the TXT report file and submit it to the Spanish Tax Agency.

Spain Localization SuiteApp version 2.2.0 includes the following enhancements:

  • Support of the Multiple Calendars Feature

    In this version, all the features provided by the Spain Localization SuiteApp are now compatible with the Multiple Calendars feature.

  • Support of Expense Lines in Spain Reports

    In this version, the SII – Registration/Correction: Received Invoice, Modelo 303, Modelo 347, Modelo 349, and Modelo 390 reports include expense lines. Expense lines are categorized as services and are included even if their Tax Item Type field is not set.

  • Language Limitation in the Display of Expense Lines

    In this version, the expense lines in vendor bills and vendor credits are only displayed if your default company language is English, Spanish, or American Spanish. Please note that this setting cannot be changed.

  • Updated Data Sourcing in SII Reports

    In this version, the sii:NumSerieFacturaEmisor field in the SII reports now shows a concatenation of the Internal ID and Transaction ID fields instead of the formerly sourced Transaction ID field.

For more information, see Spain Localization.

SuiteTax Latam Engine Enhancements

In NetSuite 2025.1, enhancements to SuiteTax Latam Engine include the following:

Country Field Available in Tax Determination Rules Records

If you have taxation scenarios that apply at the country level, now you can create tax determination rules for transactions from or to a given country.

SuiteTax Latam Engine adds new Country fields to the tax determination rules record, one for the issuer and another for the receiver of the transaction.

For more information, see Creating Tax Determination Rules in the SuiteTax Latam Engine.

Credit Card Transaction Now Supported

The SuiteApp now supports the tax determination process in credit card transactions. With this enhancement, if rules apply to a credit card transaction, the SuiteTax Latam Engine’s tax engine calculates the appropriate taxes.

New Supplementary Information Code Field

Tax determination settings records now include the Supplementary Information Code field. Supplementary information codes represent a type of information that you want SuiteTax Latam Engine to consider in the tax determination process.

For example, local authorities may require you to inform a code to comply with tax laws or to grant you a reduced tax rate.

For more information, see Creating Tax Determination Settings in the SuiteTax Latam Engine.

Projects Now Supported in Transactions

If you have the Projects feature enabled in your account, you can calculate taxes in transactions involving projects. The following types of transaction now support tax calculation with projects:

  • Cash sale

  • Custom sales transactions

  • Estimate

  • Invoice

Proration Criteria

You can now define how to proportionally allocate expense amounts in the tax calculation basis of transaction items. The SuiteTax Latam Engine provides you the following options as proration criteria:

  • Quantity

  • Value

  • Weight

The new Proration Criteria field is available in expense category and shipping item records.

For more information, see Defining Proration Criteria for Expense Categories and Shipping Items in the SuiteTax Latam Engine.

SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records Enhancements

In NetSuite 2025.1, enhancements to SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records include the following:

Creation of CFOP Code Records

Now you are able to create CFOP code records in NetSuite with the same code and description, but different names. This enhancement enables you to further specify the applicability of your tax determination rules, by entering specific CFOP code names as the operation codes.

For more information, see Creating CFOP Codes.

ICMS Tax Relief for SUFRAMA

SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records now provides a tax code and tax type to account for the ICMS with tax relief granted by the Superintendência da Zona Franca de Manaus (SUFRAMA).

The SuiteApp also introduces a parameter type for the tax relief in transactions involving the SUFRAMA. The parameter enables you to apply and include this information in transactions and their e-documents.

For more information, see Parameter Types for Brazil.

Tax Determination for Specific Origin Codes

SuiteTax Latam Engine -Brazil Records now enables you to set up tax determination rules to consider origin codes when determining and calculating taxes for Brazil.

For example, a tax’s rate may vary depending on the place of origin of the items in a transaction. In this case, you can create different tax determination settings for each different origin and the applicable tax rate.

For more information, see Creating Tax Determination Settings for Specific Origin Codes.

United Kingdom Localization Enhancements

United Kingdom Localization SuiteApp version 2.3.0 includes the following enhancements:

  • Addition of Linked Trader Reference Numbers in Intrastat Reports

    In this version, the SuiteApp introduces linked Trader Reference numbers in Intrastat reports. Clicking the linked numbers leads you to a corresponding transaction record, where you can verify the accuracy of the reported data.

  • Removal of the pre-2021 and 2021 Intrastat Report Formats

    In this version, the Intrastat – Arrivals (pre-2021), Intrastat – Arrivals (2021), Intrastat – Dispatches (pre-2021), and Intrastat – Dispatches (2021) report formats are removed. You can no longer use these to generate new reports. However, you can still access your old reports generated with these formats in the past. Note that this change does not apply to the Periodic VAT Return – VAT100 (pre-2021) report format, which continues to be available for report generation.

For more information, see United Kingdom Localization.

General Notices