Generating and Sending the EFD-Reinf


To access the Brazil Reports documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Reports.

You can generate the EFD-Reinf report for a subsidiary and send it to the tax authority through NetSuite. The system automatically searches for eligible transactions and manages the communication with the SPED system's web services.

For more information about prerequisites for generating and sending the EFD-Reinf, see Prerequisites for EFD-Reinf.

To generate and send the EFD-Reinf:

  1. Go to Reports > Brazil Reports > EFD-Reinf > New.

  2. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiary for which you want to generate EFD-Reinf.

  3. In the Start Date field, enter or select the first day of the month for which you want to generate the EFD-Reinf.

    NetSuite populates the last day of the month in the End Date field.

  4. If you want to include the R-1000 event in the EFD-Reinf, click the R-1000 subtab.

    If you previously sent an R-1000 event from the same subsidiary, NetSuite populates the fields with information from the last submission.

    1. Define the purpose of the R-1000 event:

      • To initiate a new EFD-Reinf submission, check the Opening Event box.

      • To update or rectify information sent on a previous R-1000 event, check the Information Update box.

    2. (Optional) In the Expiration Date field, select the date in which the R-1000 event expires.

    3. In the Tax Classification field, select the subsidiary's tax classification according with the Classificação Tributária table.

    4. In the Status as a Legal Entity field, select the option that indicates your company's situation as a legal entity.

    5. In the Contact field, select the contact whose information you want to include in the EFD-Reinf.

      In general, the contact is the employee responsible for generating and sending the EFD-Reinf. For more information about contacts, see Creating a Contact.

    6. If your company submits the Escrituração Contábil Digital (ECD) file to the Sistema Público de Escrituração Digital (SPED), check the Required to Submit the ECD file box.

  5. Click Save.

    The system searches for transactions from the selected subsidiary and period that are eligible for inclusion in the EFD-Reinf.

  6. Refresh the page until the Status field changes to Available for Review.

  7. Review the transactions eligible for the EFD-Reinf found in the subsidiary and period you selected.

    To review the list of transactions, click the following subtabs:

    • R-2010

    • R-2020

    • R-4020


    If you notice any missing or incorrect information, you may need to edit one or more transactions, and refresh the event. For more information, see Refreshing Transactions in EFD-Reinf Events.

  8. (Optional) If you want to add or change the nature of the income for transactions included in the R-4020 event, do the following:

    1. Click the R-4020 subtab.

    2. Next to the transaction you want to update, click Edit.

    3. In the Nature of the Income column, select the service's nature of the income.

      This field lists the options according with the EFD-Reinf's Natureza de rendimentos table.

    4. Click Save.

      Repeat these steps for all transactions that you want to update.

  9. When you are ready to submit the EFD-Reinf to the tax authority, click Send EFD-Reinf.

  10. Refresh the page until the Status field changes to Completed, Failed, or Failed Partially.

    The Completed status indicates that the tax authority successfully received and processed the EFD-Reinf you sent.

  11. (Optional) If the status is Failed or Failed Partially, do the following:

    1. Click the subtab of each of the relevant EFD-Reinf events.

    2. In the Status of the Event field, verify if the event's sending status.

    3. If the sending failed, in the Return Message field, review the message returned by the tax authority.


      Depending on the error, you may need to edit one or more transactions included in the event, and send the EFD-Reinf again. For more information, see Refreshing Transactions in EFD-Reinf Events.

    4. Repeat these steps for every event in the EFD-Reinf.

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