SuiteCloud Development Framework

SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) is a development framework and deployment mechanism. Customers and partners can use SDF to create customization projects for internal use within their organizations or for commercial distribution. For more information about SDF, see SuiteCloud Development Framework.

For a complete list of custom records and customizations that are supported by SDF, see Customizations Supported by SuiteCloud Development Framework.

This release note was updated March 17, 2025.

NetSuite 2025.1 includes the following enhancements to SDF features:

New SDF Custom Objects for Prompts and Text Enhance Actions

SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) custom objects are components you define in XML to customize NetSuite. You can create SDF custom objects in a SuiteCloud project or import them from a NetSuite account. These objects represent NetSuite elements such as custom records, workflows, scripts, and so on.

Two new SDF custom objects are now available:

  • prompt – This object represents a prompt that is created and managed using Prompt Studio. For more information about Prompt Studio, see Prompt Studio.

  • textenhanceaction – This object represents a Text Enhance action. You can manage Text Enhance actions using Prompt Studio. For more information about Text Enhance, see Text Enhance.

For more information about SDF custom objects, see Developing SDF Custom Objects.

Changes to Audience Fields in Script Deployments and Single Page Applications

For the scriptdeployment structured field within each script type SDF custom object, the behavior of the following fields has changed:

  • allroles – Setting this field to T (true) means that all internal roles are selected.

  • audslctrole – You can use this field to specify roles individually, including any external roles, in the script audience. If the allroles is set to T, any internal roles listed in the audslctrole field will be ignored.

These changes apply to the following custom objects for script types:

  • clientscript

  • massupdatescript

  • portlet

  • restlet

  • suitelet

  • usereventscript

  • workflowactionscript

For the singlepageapp SDF custom object, the behavior of the following fields have changed:

  • audienceallroles – Setting this field to T (true) means that all internal roles are selected.

  • audienceroles – You can use this field to specify roles individually, including any external roles, in the SPA audience. If the audienceallroles is set to T, any internal roles listed in the audienceroles field will be ignored.

General Notices