Managing a Single Page Application from the NetSuite User Interface

To see the list of single page applications (SPAs) in your NetSuite account, go to Customization > Scripting > Single Page Applications. Click the name of the SPA to see its details and configuration settings that you can edit. You must have the SuiteScript permission (Edit or Full) to edit the configuration settings of SPAs in your account.

From the SPA list, you can do the following:


SPAs that are part of SuiteApps installed from the SuiteApp Marketplace have a limited version of the SPA management page, where basic information is in read-only mode and only configuration fields are editable. For information about managing SPAs from installed SuiteApps, see Managing Single Page Applications Included in SuiteApps.

For developers working on SPAs, you can manage the SPA settings from these tabs on the SPA management page:

Configuring Settings from the SPA Management Page

The following table shows the fields available on the Configuration tab of the SPA management page.



How to Configure

Execute As

Determines the permissions and restrictions to apply when running the SPA server script based on the selected role. By default, this field is set to Current Role. For more information, see Executing Scripts Using a Specific Role.


The SPA in the browser will always run based on the role of the currently logged-in user.

To change the role selected in this field, click the edit icon to display the list of available roles. Select a role, and click Save.

Log Level

Filters the log entries shown on the Logs tab. The default log level is Debug. Other log level options include Audit, Error, and Emergency. For more information, see Setting Script Execution Log Levels.

To change the log level, click the edit icon to display the log level options. Select a value, and click Save.

Release Audience

Determines who can run the SPA. When the SPA is created, it runs only in the accounts of the roles selected in this field. If no role is specified, the SPA is accessible only to the script owner.

To change the audience, click the Set Up Audience button to see the current roles selected and other possible options. You can filter the list by entering the name of the role.

The audience roles are shown in two separate multiselect fields: Internal Roles and External Roles.

  • To make the SPA available to all internal roles, check the All Internal Roles box.

  • To add roles, check the boxes for each role on the left pane, and click the right arrow to add it to your selection.

  • To remove roles, check the boxes for each role on the right pane, and click the left arrow to remove it from your selection.

Click Save to save your selection.

Center Links

Lets you create, edit, or delete center links for the SPA. Center links are used to specify a menu path that lets users access the SPA directly from that location.

  • To create a center link, click the Add Link button. On the Center Link window:

    • In the Menu Location field, select the center and tab where you want to add the SPA link. By default, the new link is added at the bottom of the list in the location you specify. If you want your link to be inserted before an existing element, select a value in the Insert Before field.

    • In the Label field, enter the label for the SPA link.

    Click Save. You need to reload the page to see the new link from the menu location you specified. You can add only one link per menu location.

  • To edit an existing center link, click the edit icon and edit the fields that you want to update. Click Save.

  • To delete an existing center link, click the delete icon, then click the Delete Link button.

Error Notification

Indicates who is notified about errors. By default, the script owner is selected.

To set up the list of users who receive notifications, click Set Up Notifications. Select from the following options:

  • Current User – Notifies the user running the SPA.

  • Script Owner – Notifies the user who owns the script.

  • Notify All Admins – Notifies all users with the Administrator role.

  • Groups – Notifies all users who are part of the selected group. To define new groups, go to Lists > Relationships > Groups > New.

In the Specific Email Addresses field, you can enter a comma-separated list of email addresses of other users who should be notified.

Related Topics

General Notices