Creating E-Document Templates for EFD-Reinf Events


To access the Brazil Reports documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Reports.

To generate EFD-Reinf events with NetSuite, create e-document template records for the following events:

You can download predefined templates for the EFD-Reinf and copy their XML content to paste into your records. For more information, see Finding Predefined E-Document Template Files for Brazil.

To create an e-document template for an EFD-Reinf event:

  1. Go to Setup > E-Documents > E-Document Templates > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the template.

    For example, if you are creating the template for the R-1000 event, you can name it EFD-Reinf R-1000.

  3. In the E-Document Package field, select the e-document package with which you want to associate the template.

    For more information, see Creating E-Document Packages.

  4. In the Digital Signature Plug-in Implementation field, select E-Document Digital Signature Plug-in.

  5. In the Transaction Type field, select Invoice.

  6. In the Subsidiary field, select the subsidiaries for which you want to send EFD-Reinf events.

  7. Under Template Content, in the Content Type field, select XML.

  8. In the Template for Outbound E-Documents field, enter the XML content of the e-document template for the corresponding EFD-Reinf event.


    Paste the XML content from the predefined e-document templates for EFD-Reinf events.

  9. Click Save.

    Repeat these steps for all EFD-Reinf events.

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