Refreshing Transactions in EFD-Reinf Events


To access the Brazil Reports documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Reports.

To add, update, or remove transactions in EFD-Reinf events, you must edit the relevant transaction records in NetSuite, and make the appropriate changes.

After you edit the transactions, open the EFD-Reinf, and refresh the list of transactions included in the events to reflect the changes.

You can refresh the list of transactions before or after sending the first EFD-Reinf submission of the month.

To refresh the transactions in an EFD-Reinf event:

  1. Go to Reports > Brazil Reports > EFD-Reinf.

  2. Next to the EFD-Reinf record you want to update, click View.

    The EFD-Reinf record opens.

  3. Click the subtab of the event that you want to update.

    1. Under the Transaction Data sublist, click Refresh Transactions.

      The system searches for transactions from the selected subsidiary and period that are eligible for inclusion in the event.

      To determine eligibility, NetSuite considers a set of prerequisites. For more information, see Prerequisites for EFD-Reinf.

    2. Review the transactions included in the event.

      Ensure that the event contains all eligible transactions and that you fixed any issues raised by the tax authority.

    3. Repeat these steps for the other events that you want to update.

  4. To send the updated EFD-Reinf to the tax authority, click Send EFD-Reinf.

  5. Refresh the page until the Status field changes to Completed, Failed, or Failed Partially.

    The Completed status indicates that the tax authority successfully received and processed the EFD-Reinf you sent.

  6. (Optional) If the status is Failed or Failed Partially, do the following:

    1. Click the subtab of each of the relevant EFD-Reinf events.

    2. In the Status of the Event field, verify if the event's sending status.

    3. If the sending failed, in the Return Message field, review the message returned by the tax authority.

    4. Repeat these steps for every event in the EFD-Reinf.

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