Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

This release note was updated March 17, 2025.

NetSuite 2025.1 includes the following enhancements to CRM features:

Security Enhancements to External Case Response Page in Case Management

As of NetSuite 2025.1, access to the External Case Response Page is provided only through time-limited links. These links are automatically generated and sent to users whenever their support cases are updated.

You can adjust the validity period of the links by the External Link Validity Period (in Weeks) preference in Support Preferences. Allowed values ​​range from two to eight weeks. The default value is two weeks.

Users who open an expired link will be automatically prompted to generate a new time-limited link.

You can review the current validity period of a specific link in the External Link Expiration Date field on an associated support case record.


Users logged into NetSuite continue to have access to support cases without a change.

For more information, see Setting Customer Service Preferences.

Changes to Performance Metrics for Support Cases

As of NetSuite 2025.1, all timestamps in performance metrics for support cases display a date and time format that corresponds to the time zone set in your account.


If you have created a custom report, the change will not apply to it. You must create a new report for the change to take effect.

For more information, see the help topics:

Advanced Partner Center Role Permission Updates

The permissions and levels on the standard Advanced Partner Center (APC) role have been updated. This update ensures that users with the assigned standard and customized APC roles have access to appropriate pages and tasks in your NetSuite account. If a customized APC role is edited, any permission changes related to this update will be applied to the customized role.

For the full list of permissions and levels, see Updates to Advanced Partner Center Role Permissions in 2025.1, SuiteAnswers ID 1019628.

Use Customer 360 to View Additional Metrics

As of 2025.1, several new metrics have been added to Customer 360 to provide a more comprehensive view of customer interactions and business opportunities.

The enhancements include:

  • On the Overview page:

    • Recent Transactions has been updated to Recent Activities:The Recent Activities section now includes a broader range of transaction types such as Customer Deposit, Customer Refund, Statement Charge, Purchase Order, Work Order, Cash Refund, Check, CC Refund, Bills, Bill Payment, Bill Credit, Vendor Return Authorization, Item Fulfillment, and Fulfillment Request.

    • There are other activities such as: Activities, Cases, Emails, and Notes.

      There is a new link called 'See Customer History' which takes you to a detailed view of the customer's transactions, notes, and activities, including phone calls, tasks, events, and emails.

    • Product Recommendations: The recommended products now include pricing details and highlight frequently bought items. You can also add recommended items to new sales orders, Opportunities, and estimates more easily.

    • Sales Performance has two new tabs: Sales This Year and Customer Lifetime Value:

      • Sales This Year tab: View dynamic headline with a chart comparing sales from this year and last year (Jan-Dec). When you hover over a data point, a tooltip will display additional information and details about it. Use the View Report link to access Analytics for deeper filtering and analysis of current customer data.

      • All-Time Sales has been updated to Customer Lifetime Value: Customer Lifetime Value shows the total of all sales made to the customer since the first ever transaction, in US dollars.

      • The Customer Profitability tab has been removed.

  • Opportunities and Estimates tab: This new tab allows you to track opportunities and estimates with metrics like Projected Total, Weighted Total, and Opportunities Won.

  • Orders and Returns tab: This new tab allows you to monitor order statuses, returns, and average order value. You can filter orders by type and status.

  • Receivables tab: The Receivables tab shows invoices statuses( open, overdue) and available credit memos ( credit limits and balances from the customer record). Financial details are pulled directly from the customer record.

The Customer 360 page can be accessed in the following ways:

  • By clicking the View Customer 360 link on Customer record.

  • By Clicking the Switch to Customer 360 View link on Customer Dashboard.

  • By clicking the icon located next to the customer dashboard on the left.

For details, see Customer 360.

General Notices