Brazil Reports SuiteApp Best Practices and Known Limitations


To access the Brazil Reports documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Reports.

Before using the Brazil Reports SuiteApp, be aware of the current limitations and best practice recommendations.

Best Practices of the Brazil Reports SuiteApp

When using the Brazil Certification Tax Authorities SuiteApp, be guided by the following recommendations:

  • When setting the subsidiary logo for forms, upload an image with the following maximum dimensions:

    • Height – 72 pixels

    • Width – 259 pixels

    NetSuite includes the subsidiary logo in the PDF version of accounting reports, auxiliary reports, financial statements, fiscal books, and tax assessments.

    For more information, see Setting Up Subsidiaries for Brazil.

Known Limitations of the Brazil Reports SuiteApp

When using the Brazil Reports SuiteApp, keep in mind the following limitations:

  • When assessing taxes and generating reports, Brazil Reports does not consider taxes on transactions with SuiteTax's Tax Details Override box checked. The SuiteApp does not support this SuiteTax feature.

    However, Brazil Reports does support the tax base and tax rate override feature from the SuiteTax Latam Engine SuiteApp. For more information, see Overriding Tax Bases and Tax Rates for the SuiteTax Latam Engine.

  • You can only download auxiliary reports and tax assessments in PDF format.

  • Due to a system limitation, you can only download XLS files of country tax reports for Brazil if the size is up to 10 MB. In this case, download the PDF version instead.

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