Managing Workforce Management Shifts
- Scheduling in Workforce Management
- Scheduling in Workforce Management -Daily
- Statistics/KPI's -Projected Sales Data -Daily
- Shift Creation -Daily
- Daily Schedule Options
- Printing the weekly schedule
- What do shift colors mean?
- Weekly
- Creating an actual shift
- Weekly view options
- Tracking Weekly Timesheets with WFM and FSM Hours
- Setting Custom Forms to Show WFM Payroll Hours
- Automatch
- Change jobs on an actual shift
- Add sick leave to an unworked shift (if using Leave in WFM)
- Options button
- Visual verification
- Multi-location
- View staff hours across multiple locations
- View overtime
- Shift segments
- Forecasting
- Forecasting with sales subcategories
- Publishing schedules
- Multi-location publishing
- Copy and paste shifts
- Viewing Published Shifts
- Schedule Validation
- Printing Schedules
- Filling Shifts
- Daylight Savings Times (DST)
- Open Shift
- Creating an Open Shift
- Mobile App and Open Shifts
- Open Shift FAQ
- Contract Hours
- Enable and Configure Contract Hours
- Configure contract hour overtime rules
- Setup contract hours on Employees profile
- Scheduling with contract hours
- Reporting
- Scheduling colors reference sheet
- Tip Pooling
- Timesheet Uploader