Tracking Weekly Timesheets with WFM and FSM Hours

To help you accurately track employee hours, weekly timesheets contain added features when used with Workforce Management (WFM) and Field Service Management (FSM).

Weekly Timesheets Features with WFM and FSM

When used with both the WFM and FSM SuiteApps, the Weekly Timesheets page shows the following changes:

  • On the Enter Time subtab, on both Edit and View modes, the row showing the daily total hours under the table header is removed.

  • On the same subtab, on View mode, the removed row is replaced with the following totals appearing at the end of the list:

    • Service Hours Total – Shows the total number of hours of field service time sourced from FSM and other sources for each day of the week.

    • WFM Payroll Hours Total – Shows the total number of payroll hours sourced only from WFM, which are checked in the Created by SuitePeople WFM column, for each day of the week.

To view total WFM and FSM hours, open the Weekly Timesheets page. For more information, see Weekly Timesheets.

Guidelines for Tracking WFM and FSM Hours on Weekly Timesheets

If you’re tracking weekly hours on weekly timesheets and use both WFM and FSM, review the following guidelines:

  • If you’re entering hours in WFM, avoid adding hours manually on weekly timesheets. To ensure that the total calculations can accurately represent the time employees worked, enter hours in WFM and only view the total hours in weekly timesheets.

  • Use the FSM mobile application to log field service hours. This ensures you capture accurate and complete service time records.

  • The Created by SuitePeople WFM column on weekly timesheets is available by default when you have WFM installed. This column is checked when the line item is sourced from WFM. Checked items count toward the WFM Payroll Hours Total row.

    If the column does not appear, you can check that the custom entry form for time tracking is set properly. For more information, see Setting Custom Forms to Show WFM Payroll Hours.

General Notices