Setup contract hours on Employees profile

All changes to Contract Hours must be agreed to by both parties within Workforce Management. Depending upon the package selected, this could mean that all Contract Hours changes must be initiated by the manager/ employer and agreed to by employees.

The processes are largely the same for whoever is requesting the changes: the restrictions that apply according to the "active" options object still apply regardless of who is actually creating the changes, and all changes must be agreed to AS-IS (ie, without adjustments) by both parties before they are deemed to be "Agreed". These changes must be agreed to before they start (or a number of days in advance, according to the configuration).

Viewing existing Agreed Contract Hours

The employee’s Contract Hours page shows the current (or selected) Agreed Contract Hours, if one is present. It also shows any pending changes and allows the viewing of declined or expired changes.

Changing Contract Hours

Creating a new set of Contract Hours, as mentioned above, requires at least two steps. The first is the creation of the change request, which must have a start date, may have a finish date, and may have notes for the communication process. It may also have Contract Hours data for each weekday.

The actual columns will be shown depending upon the selected columns from the active options for this employee. These may change depending upon the start date of the valid period if this changes the employment status or agreement of the employee.

Whatever options are in-place at the start of the employee’s Contract Hours will be used.

On any given weekday, an employee may be marked as "Not working", or have their Contract Hours defined for that day. As mentioned above, the different restrictions based on the options configuration will change which columns are available and/or required. Some values may be automatically calculated (the required shift length in strict mode).

Once submitted, employees will get notifications.

Ending Contract Hours

If a contracted employee is no longer required to have contract hours applied, an end date can be set which prevents contract hours related rules and restrictions from applying from the specified end date. This can be useful when part-time employees that are currently on a set contract are moved to full-time and no longer require contract hours restrictions to be applied.

Please note that ending contract hours does not need to be approved by employees.

How do employees agree to Contract Hours changes?

When the data is saved, it moves into a state that requires the other party (e.g., the employee themselves if it was a change initiated by the manager/employer) to agree to it.

If the contract hours are agreed to by both parties, they are "committed", and will override any existing agreed contract hours for the period for which they are valid. This could replace any existing objects or split or truncate them. For instance, it could be possible to have a change of Contract Hours that applies for the 6-week period of school holidays over summer as an employee changes their work pattern due to parenting responsibilities.

Notifications will be generated for pending change requests (and adjustments that are made). These will appear in the phone app for logged in users.

When an agreement to change Contract Hours is completed, the employee’s member's availability for the period of the Contract Hours is automatically updated to ensure that they are available for the entirety of their Contract Hours.

General Notices