Publishing schedules

You can play around with and change as much of the schedule and shifts as you need (so long as they are on a future day)

During this time, no employees can see their shifts. In order for employees to receive their schedule and view the schedule in the phone app/ online, you'll need to publish the schedule.

There are up to 4 ways for employees to receive their shifts when you've published the schedule:

  1. Push notification to the SuitePeople Workforce Management (Adi Insights) phone app

  2. Email with their own shifts

  3. SMS with their own shifts (only if SMS is enabled for the company)

  4. Printing a PDF of staff shifts

You can publish on any of the scheduling screens (this includes Daily, Weekly & Multi-location screens):

First, make sure you are on the week you want to publish (or if you're on the Daily, on a day in the week you want to publish - this will publish the whole week you're currently in). Scroll down if you're using the Multi-location screen to publish as the instructions differ.

Publishing the daily and weekly schedules

  1. Click Actions, then Publish Schedules.

  2. The publish interface will pop-up and you can pick if you want employees to receive the schedule via SMS and/or email.

  3. Employees will always receive a push notification to the SuitePeople Workforce Management (Adi Insights) phone app - so if you're only using the phone app, you can press the blue Publish button to confirm. Employees will receive a push notification to their mobile phone & can see all published shifts at locations they can work.

If you aren't using the phone app, or you'd also like to send emails to Employees with their shifts:

  1. Check "Email schedules to staff" - extra options will appear allowing you to change the email staff get by:

    • Changing the reply-to email (if staff have questions and need to reply). By default, this is your Workforce Management email address.

    • Pre-fills your name, so employees know who's sending it out.

    • Add an additional short message to the email - for example, reminding employees about temperature and wellness checks, or a special event or team meeting.


      You'll need to select which employees receive this email by selecting employees in the list on the left, and moving them to the right.

  2. Alternatively click Choose All to move all employees to the right. Only employees on the right-hand side will receive this email, and only employees with shifts will receive an email. This means if an employee is selected but don't have any scheduled shifts, they won't receive an email. Employees will receive their shifts for the week at the location you've published


The SuitePeople Workforce Management (Adi Insights) phone app will show employees all shifts at locations they can work, and can filter it to show only their shifts within the filtering options.

The SMS function works in the same way - however SMS will only send if they are enabled on your company (you'll receive an error message if you can't send them).

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Publishing and validation messages

  1. When the publish interface appears, we'll run a validation check to make sure there aren't any issues preventing publish. If there are no validation warnings or errors, you'll be able to press Publish at the bottom

  2. If you see an orange bar at the top - this means we've picked up validation warnings. If there are multiple - click the arrow to expand and show them all. However, you can still Publish Anyway, otherwise you can cancel & address the warning before coming back here to publish.

  3. If you see the red bar appear, this means we've picked up validation error(s) which will prevent you from publishing. Clicking View will slide-out a list of these validation errors.

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Common errors are minimum hours on an employee's wage haven't been reached, schedule validation rules not being met (Require X employees between X times), and if you have configured either Minimum Shift Length and Contract Hours to flag as an error.

Unpublish schedules

If you've published schedules but need to make changes ahead of time, you'll need to unpublish the schedule.

This can be done by heading to the Daily & Weekly, pressing Actions and then Unpublish Schedule.


Press the orange Unpublish, and you'll be able to make changes to that week. Just don't forget to Publish after you've made your changes!

If you've only changed 1 or 2 employees shifts and publish by email - you can select only the affected employees to receive email notifications.


You’re only able to change scheduled shifts for days in the future - if you are trying to change shifts for later today it's recommended to use the fill/swap shift function in the phone app. For shifts in the past, you can deny the scheduled shift (if the employee didn't work) and you will approve the timesheet or add an actual shift for the employee (if any) worked that shift.

General Notices