Weekly view options

When you select the Options button from the top of the page, you will be provided with a side menu that will slide out from the right side of the screen. This side menu will include several choices that will allow you to customize the weekly view to your preference.

Forecast Stats -Choose between always seeing forecasted stats (alongside your actual stats) or just when viewing the schedule.

Statistics Visible -Select which statistics and KPI data you would like to view onscreen (to minimize clutter). For example, you may only want to see your sales data, hours, and labor %.

Table options

  • Show all staff -Choose whether all employees are displayed on-screen rather than just those with shifts

  • Show exceptions -Grey out any shifts that have already been actioned

  • List order -Order employees by First Name or Last Name

  • Shift groups -Group shifts by: (eg waiter, cook, etc)

    • Wage calculation type (salaried, hourly, or classification staff)

    • Employment status (FT, PT, or Casual)

    • Category (see staff levels)

    • Group (managers, employees, area managers etc)

    • Name (first or preferred name)

    • Name format (how names will be displayed on this page)

Name options

  • Name -Display first or preferred names for employees

  • Format -Display employee names as First Last or Last, First

Shift options

  • Color -Switch between coloring shifts by job color or availability (only available in schedule mode)

  • Style -Choose to show colors on shifts with Strips or colored background

  • Icons -Show extra shift icons such as Geolocation Confirmation and Tips

To make it easier to view important shift information like the start and finish of a shift, the default job color has been moved to the left as a stripe. This enables a greater contrast between the shift information and the background -making it easier to view in a wider number of settings.

You can still set the background of the shift to be the job color if you wish (via Shift Options as above), however, it will be toned down -this is to increase the amount of contrast between the shift information and the background, making the important information like shift start and finish times easier to read.

General Notices