Tip Pooling
Tip Pools can be used to automatically pool tips based on location, job, or group.
This feature is available with some integrations already in Workforce Management (WFM). If you’d like to confirm if your POS or Payroll integration works with WFM tip pooling, contact your NetSuite account manager.
Tip Pool Overview
The overview window for each tip pool report or calculation shows important information about the pool. The page varies depending on if the pool is aggregated by day or by period.
The overview window includes the following details:
Pool name
Created at
Created by
Pool calculations
Unallocated – Contains tips that could not be divided evenly among staff due to rounding/the way the Tip Pool is configured
Total – Contains tips that could not be divided evenly among staff due to rounding/the way the Tip Pool is configured
Important:Staff tips are rounded down to two decimal places. Unallocated and totals tips for a day or period, however, are not rounded down. Using the exact numbers ensures the accuracy of the imported data and any card processing fees.
Settings used
Tip sources
Cash adjustment
Staff for pool
Aggregated by
Distributed by
Jobs for distribution
Tip types for pool
Card processing fee
Creating a Tip Pool
Follow the procedure.
To create a tip pool:
Go to Workforce Management.
Go to Setup > Pooling.
Click +New Pool.
The New Tip Pool form appears.
In the Name field, enter the name for the tip pool.
From the Pool By field, select how you want to create the pool.
Group– Select this option if you want to create a pool based on a predetermined group setup in WFM.
Location– Select this option if you want to manually select the locations in a pool. If you want to pool locations separate from each other you will need to configure a pool for each location.
If you are pooling by group, from the Group field, select the predetermined group.
If you are pooling by location, select the locations.
From the Available Choices panel on the left, select the locations where you want the tip pool to apply.
If you want to select all locations, click Choose All.
To move the chosen locations to the Chosen Items panel on the right, click the blue right arrow symbol at the middle of the panels.
If you want to clear your chosen items, click Clear All.
From the Aggregate by field, select how you want to group the total tips and approved hours.
Day – Select this option if you want to group the totals for each day. Tips distributed daily are based on the hours approved for that day.
Period – Select this option if you want to group the totals according to your chosen period. Tips distributed during that period are based on the hours approved for that period.
From the Distribute tips by field, select how you want to distribute the tips to employees.
Hours worked – Select this option if you want to distribute tips based on the hours an employee worked compared to the total hours that all employees worked.
Job worked – Select this option if you want to distribute tips based on the hours an employee worked on a chosen job compared to the total hours that all employees worked on chosen jobs.
On the Jobs panels, follow the steps in Step 7.
If your POS system only provides tip data on card payments, select the tip pool sources from the Tips for pool panels. Follow the steps in Step 7.
If a fee is taken when processing credit card payments, from the Card processing fee field, enter the percentage taken out of the tip pool..
Click Save.
Creating Tip Pool Reports
After you create your tip pools, you can create reports to run calculations on those pools.
To create tip pool reports:
Go to Workforce Management.
Go to Shifts > Tip Pooling.
Click +New.
A tip pool report setting window appears.
From the Tip pool field, select the name of the tip pool.
In the Start field, select the start date for the tip pool calculations.
In the Finish field, select the end date for the tip pool calculations.
In the Cash adjustment field, enter any cash tips or other POS corrections. This number can be positive or negative.
For example, the management team has $200 of tips on hand for distribution to staff. An employee also mentioned that they reported an excess of $25 in POS tips. The cash adjustment would reflect the additional $200 and subtract the excess of $25. On this field, the proper entry is $175.
Click Create.
The tip pool report row appears on top of the table, and WFM starts running the calculations.
When the Status column shows a green tick mark for the report, the report is ready for viewing. .
From the Report column, click View.
The Overview window appears.