Statistics/KPI's -Projected Sales Data -Daily

You can enter in custom forecasted sales data to schedule shifts to or, if you have a POS integrations setup, you can use historical sales and units information to automatically generate an accurate forecast

To view or adjust your forecast for the week, click Edit Forecast from the top menu bar.

From here, there are three options for generating a forecast:

Once you have chosen your forecast method, click Generate forecast for week.

Once generated, you will see the forecasted sales and/or units for the future week you have selected. You can drill into the individual days and fine tune the forecast by clicking the grey edit pencil next to the day you want to adjust.

If you want to adjust just a certain time of the day, you can click expand to expand out the day and fine tune further

Once happy with your forecast, scroll back to the top and click Create schedule to be taken back to the daily view for this location to build your schedule

On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a statistics panel. The top of this panel displays your total projected labor cost percentage for the week. The next set of data contains your wage data. You will have the total costs for the day, and for the week. If any on-costs are set up, you will see them underneath the base wage cost.

Statistics panel

The statistics in the KPI panel represent:

General Notices