What do shift colors mean?

If you are viewing shifts based on availability (Options > Shift color > Availability) you will see 4 different kinds of shift colors on screen (if your schedules are entered).

Click on any shift with a color other than green, and a message with the reason will appear.

The colors are


Employee is available to work the whole shift. Conditions of this:

  • Availability is set to 'available' and available for the duration of the shift


Employee may not be able to work part-of or all-of the shift. Possibilities for shifts to appear red are:

  • Unavailable for any part of the shift

  • On leave at that time

  • Already working at that time at that location

  • Already working at that time at another location


There may be a shift conflict for you to confirm:

  • Already working on that day, shift does not overlap -at that location

  • Already working on that day, shift does not overlap -at another location


Target hours for the week have been reached.

General Notices