What do shift colors mean?
If you are viewing shifts based on availability (Options > Shift color > Availability) you will see 4 different kinds of shift colors on screen (if your schedules are entered).
Click on any shift with a color other than green, and a message with the reason will appear.
The colors are
Employee is available to work the whole shift. Conditions of this:
Availability is set to 'available' and available for the duration of the shift
Employee may not be able to work part-of or all-of the shift. Possibilities for shifts to appear red are:
Unavailable for any part of the shift
On leave at that time
Already working at that time at that location
Already working at that time at another location
There may be a shift conflict for you to confirm:
Already working on that day, shift does not overlap -at that location
Already working on that day, shift does not overlap -at another location
Target hours for the week have been reached.