Open Shift

An Open Shift is created just like a regular scheduled shift; however it does not have an employee assigned to it.

Open Shifts are available for any employee to offer to ‘pick up’ and work - in addition to any of their regular scheduled shifts. Offering to work an Open Shift requires employees to be using the SuitePeople Workforce Management (Adi Insights) phone app.


Employees must be using the SuitePeople Workforce Management (Adi Insights) phone app, and Open Shifts must be activated on your Workforce Management company.

Below are some examples of what Open Shifts look like once they’re created and before an employee is allocated on scheduling interfaces and the phone app.

Weekly -Open Shifts appear in the top row

Daily -Open Shifts appear in red with an exclamation mark

Open shifts appearance

Phone app -Open Shifts appear in normal shift view with an orange background

Open shifts on app

General Notices