Forecasting with sales subcategories

The forecasting screen is split into 3 widgets (2 on top, one underneath):


Changing the options here will change the week and location you are forecasting for. Move between locations you manage as well as forward through the future. You can also create forecasts ahead of time.


Basic forecasting information to help you get started.

Select a week in the past that you want to forecast sales to. If you have setup a default fetch period, it will automatically show fetch period (and pre-load it if all the data is available).

This is a week in the past which you think may have similar sales due to factors such as events, weather, or promotions. Once selected, you can add a rolling average or change the index percentage (ie. if you expect the forecast for the week to be a 2% increase from the period you selected, type '2')


Comparative graphs show you the sales & units that you have forecasted for each day of the week ahead. This makes it easy to visualize which days this week will have busiest demand.

Comparative graph

The "Summary" allows you to edit the sales or units for each day that week by clicking the pencil icon next to the day & stats type. You will get a popup box similar to the "Basic" widget -this will allow you to change just that day/stats type you have selected -this will not affect the rest of your forecast. For example, you may want to edit only a public holiday as you are expecting increased demand.

Selecting "Sales" or "Units" at the top of the widget will allow you to edit the values for different sale subtypes -for example if you are expecting increased takeaway & drive-thru orders.

General Notices