Multi-location publishing

  1. To publish shifts on the multi-location, make sure you're on the week to publish with the locations you'd like to publish. Press Publish at the top center of the screen:

    The same publish interface appears as in Daily and Weekly. This time, you'll see a box at the top of the screen for each location. Each location has its own validation -and if one location has validation errors you won't be able to publish (and you'll need to view & resolve the validation error first).

  2. You can publish via email or SMS -Phone app push notifications will also send once you press publish. Employees will receive a separate email per location -so if 1 employee works across 2 locations, they'll receive 2 emails -both with shifts for that location

    If you're not seeing a location you are expecting to see on this screen -make sure you're viewing it. Just go back to the multi-location & check the locations that are appearing:

  3. Once you've addressed all errors -you can publish. If there's a location that you do not want to publish you can un-check it at the top. When you publish -all other locations will publish, except for the one you've un-checked.

General Notices