Open Shift FAQ

Question: Can I assign employees an Open Shift without unpublishing and then re-publishing the schedule?

Answer: Yes!

Open Shifts allow you to assign someone to a schedule even after it has been published. Eliminating the need to unpublish and then republish a schedule. By using the arrow on the Open Shift, employees can be assigned.

Question: Are employees notified of the shift assignment even though I didn’t unpublish and re-publish the schedule after the assignment?

Answer: Yes!

Employees are notified of being assigned to an Open Shift through the SuitePeople Workforce Management (Adi Insights) phone app even if the schedule is already published.

Question: I’m receiving a schedule validation error when I attempt to publish my schedule with Open Shifts. The validation error is stating that my KPI targets are not being met. How do I publish my schedule?


KPI’s, e.g. Labor Percent, Hours, etc., are incalculable if Open Shifts are left unassigned. Workforce Management is looking for specific metrics before your schedule can be published. To prevent this validation error, ensure under your locations ‘KPI Targets’ that you have unticked the ‘Values outside of this range should prevent schedule publish’ box. The below image shows an example of one of the boxes you may need to untick in ‘KPI Targets’.

Question: I have templates already available in my account and use them. What is the difference between Templated Shifts and Open Shifts?


Template Shifts require someone with Manager access, or higher, to manually assign employees to vacant template schedules. Whereas, Open Shifts are visible to employees and therefore can be filled by their volunteering, followed by manager approval, through the SuitePeople Workforce Management (Adi Insights) phone app.

General Notices