Australia Help Topics


The following Help topics contain information about NetSuite features that are specific to companies doing business in Australia. NetSuite can be configured with capabilities and reports specific to an Australian business setting and requirements.

To learn about localized editions of NetSuite, as well as setting up NetSuite accounts and subsidiaries, refer to the following Help topics:

Please note that general NetSuite features are covered in other chapters and topics.

General Setup

For information about NetSuite features, SuiteApps, and preferences that can be used for users in Australia, read the following topics:

  • Australia Account Setup – Provides steps to set up your account for doing business in Australia, including enabling additional features and installing relevant SuiteApps for Australian organizations.

  • Setting Up Australia-specific Preferences – Provides steps to set up your NetSuite company and user preferences to Australia, including your Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number (ACN), currency format, language, date, and time zone.

Functional Areas

You can activate and get access to different features from the following functional areas:

For information about SuiteApps installation, see Installing a Bundle.

For information about enabling NetSuite features, see Enabling Features.


If you do not have sufficient permissions to install SuiteApps or enable features, please contact your account administrator.





Payment Times Report (PTR)

Identifying Small Business Suppliers for Payment Times Reporting

Identify small business suppliers in preparation for Payment Times Reporting.

Install the ANZ Localization SuiteApp.

Generating a Supplier ABN List Report

Generate a list of vendors’ ABNs and export it as a CSV file for small business identification on the SBI Tool.

Taxation Features For Accounts Without SuiteTax


Read these topics if your NetSuite account does not use SuiteTax. If you have SuiteTax enabled in your account, see Taxation Features For Accounts With SuiteTax.




Setting Tax Preferences for Australia

Configure tax for nexuses in Australia.

Enable the taxation-related features and preferences that you would like to use. For more information, see Enabling and Setting Up Taxation Features.

Install the following SuiteApps:

Creating Tax Codes -Australia

Set up tax codes to automatically generate tax amounts for the Business Activity Statement (BAS).

Australia Tax Codes

Standard tax codes reference table for Australia.

GST and PST Tax Type

Create a GST and PST tax type to determine where the tax paid or collected is tracked on the balance sheet. For more information, see Tax Types Overview and Examples of tax types and tax control accounts (Australia).

Using Wine Equalization Tax (WET)

Provides steps on applying the Wine Equalization Tax (WET).

Accounting for Goods and Services Tax (GST) -Australia

Adding journal entries for the Goods and Services Tax (GST) liability account.

Setting Up Your Business Activity Statement

The Business Activity Statement (BAS) is the form you submit to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to report your tax liability or to claim a refund.

Viewing Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) Reports

Generate the following GST reports for Australia:

Taxation Features For Accounts With SuiteTax


Read these topics if your NetSuite account uses SuiteTax.




Automatic Tax Record Provisioning for VAT Countries

Creates tax records when you select SuiteTax as your tax process.

SuiteTax enables you to use different tax engines per nexus. To begin provisioning your tax records, assign a tax registration to the subsidiary or company in SuiteTax.

To enable the SuiteTax feature, see Enabling the SuiteTax Feature.

Install the following SuiteApps:

Editing Default Tax Codes for Nexuses

Enables you to update tax codes for each nexus. This procedure is a best practice after the SuiteTax Process automatically provisions tax codes.

Setting Up Compliance Text on Reverse Charge Sales Invoices

Enables you to set up the compliance text in nexus preferences and invoice templates.

This procedure is necessary to configure the language of the text, and enter the text itself, which is a required information for invoices where customers are liable for tax (sale is subject to reverse charge mechanism).

Assigning a Tax Reporting Category

Assign a tax reporting category to items for further classification of goods and services required in the Business Activity Statement.

Generating Localized Country Tax Reports

Generate the Business Activity Statement.

Order Fulfillment




Store Pickup

Offer your Australian customers an additional convenient way to receive their orders. Store pickup lets you fulfill orders from a retail location instead of a warehouse or distribution center.

Enable the Store Pickup feature in your account and configure store locations to allow store pickup. See Setting Up Store Pickup.





Shipping Integration with Australia Post

Register and set up your existing Australia Post account in NetSuite. This integration lets you process Australia Post services for the domestic shipment of parcels. You can calculate shipping rates, fulfill orders, lodge orders, track packages, and print shipping labels and manifest with Australia Post services.

Install and set up the Australia Post SuiteApp, register your existing Australia Post account, and manage the Shipping Partner Plug-in. See Getting Started with Australia Post Integration.

Australia Post Collections Widget

Include the Australia Post Collections Widget on your web store checkout page. For more information, see Setting Up the Collections Widget.

Calculating Australia Post Rates

Calculate the shipping rates on Australia Post.

Fulfilling Orders with Australia Post Shipments

Fulfill orders using delivery options specific to Australia Post such as partial fulfillment, bulk fulfillment, item fulfillments with multiple shipping routes, and printing labels after an order fulfillment.

Lodging Orders with Australia Post

Lodge orders using Australia Post, including generating shipping labels in bulk, reprinting the shipping manifest and labels, and verifying the shipping request and response logs.

Tracking Australia Post Shipments

Track your shipment using Australia Post.

Deleting Fulfillments with Voided Australia Post Shipments

Delete an order fulfillment with an Australia Post shipment.

Common Australia Post Integration Errors

List of common error messages in Australia Post Integration and its corresponding user action.

Payment Processing




Australia Payment Formats

Set up bank records for your company, partners, vendors, customers, and employees within Australia.

Install the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp.

Payment Gateway

Integrate with a local payment gateway service provider, AsiaPay, eWAY Rapid, SecurePay, and SecurePay FraudGuard, to accept credit card payments from customers.





NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS)

NSPOS is the in-store register component of the SuiteCommerce product line designed for midsize retailers. It provides an efficient and interface for handling sales transactions and working with customer and item information.

NSPOS integrates with NetSuite ERP to manage your items, pricing, subsidiaries and store setups. See Synchronization with NetSuite ERP.

Each POS register connects to a payment gateway. Work with your NetSuite Account Manager or Professional Services representative to determine which service meets your business needs. See Third-Party Payment Gateways.





Non-Profit SuiteApps

Nonprofit organizations can integrate their fundraising solution with NetSuite and use SuiteApps as a minimally viable fundraising management solution.

Non-Profit SuiteApps are available in different editions. For more information, see Non-Profit Editions.

Non-Profit Financial Management

NFP Financials provides data structures for nonprofit accounting, constituent management, and grants.

Install the NFP Financials SuiteApp. See Setup for NFP Financials

General Notices