Assigning a Tax Reporting Category

Some countries require further classification of goods or services on the VAT/GST reports. To classify goods and services for VAT/GST reporting, you must first assign a Tax Reporting Category to the item in the transaction record. You can then use the Tax Reporting Category as an item filter in the tax return template to identify which transactions to include in the tax report. For more information about using tax return filters, see Customizing Localized Tax Returns.

To assign a Tax Reporting Category, go to the Items subtab of the transaction record. In the Tax Reporting Category column, select the category based on the country’s VAT reporting requirements for the transaction.

The Tax Reporting Category column is available on all taxable transaction records for accounts with SuiteTax and all taxable transaction records for accounts without SuiteTax with a Norwegian nexus. The following are the supported transactions:


Tax Reporting Category



AU – Capital Goods

Assign this tax reporting category to items identified as capital purchases. Transactions goods classified as such are reported in box G10 on the Business Activity Statement.


CA – Real Property

Assign this tax reporting category to items identified as real properties. Transactions of goods classified as such are reported in box 205 on the Canada GST Report: GST34 Worksheet.


DE – Alcohol

Assign this tax reporting category to items classified as sawmill products, beverages, and alcoholic liquids.

Transactions of goods classified as such are reported in boxes 76 and 80 of the Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A

and boxes 346/347 of the Germany Yearly VAT Report -USt 2A.


DE – Vehicles no VAT ID

Assign this tax reporting category to items classified as new motor vehicles to customers without VAT number. Transactions of goods classified as such are reported in box 44 of the Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A.

and box 744 of the Germany Yearly VAT Report -USt 2A.


DE – Vehicles non scope

Assign this tax reporting category to items identified as new motor vehicles outside the scope of business.

Transactions of goods classified as such are reported in box 49 of the Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A.

and box 749 of the Germany Yearly VAT Report -USt 2A.


DE – Solar

Assign this tax reporting category to items identified as solar panels and photovoltaic equipment.

Transactions of goods classified as such are reported in boxes 87 and 90 of the Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A.

and boxes 167 and 180 of the Germany Yearly VAT Report -USt 2A.


DE – Triangular

Assign this tax reporting category to items within EU Triangular trade.

Transactions of goods classified as such are reported in boxes 42 and 69 of the Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A.

and boxes 742, 751, and 746 of the Germany Yearly VAT Report -USt 2A.


DE – Adjustment

Assign this tax reporting category to sales or purchases for reduction of the tax base. Transaction of goods classified as such are reported in boxes 50 and 51 of the Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A.

and boxes 50 and 51 of the Germany Yearly VAT Report -USt 2A.


DE – Property tax

Assign this tax reporting category to purchases applicable to property tax.

Transactions of goods classified as such are reported in boxes 73 and 74 of the Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A.

and boxes 873 and 874 of the Germany Yearly VAT Report -USt 2A.


DE – Prepayment

Assign this tax reporting category to deduct VAT prepayment in December VAT report.

Transactions of goods classified as such are reported in box 39 of the Germany Periodic VAT Return -USt 1A.

and box 118 of the Germany Yearly VAT Report -USt 2A.


PH – Capital Goods

Assign this tax reporting category to items identified as capital goods. Transactions of this classified goods are reported in the boxes 18A-D of the Philippines VAT Report: Monthly Return Form 2550M and boxes 21A-D of the Philippines VAT Report: Quarterly Return Form 2500Q.

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