Common Australia Post Integration Errors



Description/User Action


Error communicating with Australia Post. Please try again later.

The first of a series of communication errors encountered when trying to connect with the service provider. Any of the following reasons could generate communication errors:

  • Slow network

  • Invalid URL or security certificate

  • IP address of the host could not be found.

  • Character encoding is not supported.


Current pricing cannot be retrieved because the service may not be available for the following: account, shipping address, or item weight exceeds the maximum weight limit. Please select another shipping method.

This error occurs when your shipment exceeds the maximum parcel dimensions.

Parcel shipment must adhere to the following:

  • Maximum width, height, and length must not exceed 113 cm

  • Maximum weight must not exceed 32 kg


The saved search results have exceeded the maximum limit of 1000 packages. You can reduce search results by editing the filtering criteria of your saved search.

When lodging orders, there is a limit of 1000 packages that can be processed at a time. If you have exceeded the limit, add or edit the filtering criteria to reduce the number of order fulfillments retrieved by your saved search for lodging. For more information, see Defining Saved Searches for Lodging.


SPP011.A: An error has occurred while fetching the shipping manifest file. Click Generate Manifest to try again.

SPP011.B: An error has occurred while saving the shipping manifest file. Click Generate Manifest to try again.

A series of errors that you might encounter while processing the shipping manifest from Australia Post, due to the following reasons:

  • No shipping manifest file has been retrieved because it might not yet be available.

  • The storage folder in the file cabinet might be full or it could not be found. For instructions on viewing the file cabinet folder, see Reprinting the Shipping Manifest and Labels.


Unable to lodge the orders because of an error on the saved search. Edit the saved search to set the value of the transaction Type filter to Item Fulfillment, and then generate again. For more information, see the Defining Saved Searches for Lodging topic in the Help Center.

The first of a series of lodging failures due to any of the following errors in the saved search:

  • Missing or incorrect values for the filtering criteria

  • No selected saved search or it could not be found.

  • Error encountered while creating the Shipping Order record

On the Australia Post Shipping Manifest page, click the Edit link to open the Saved Search page. Add or edit the required filtering criteria first, before trying to generate the manifest again. To view the required settings for your filtering criteria, see Defining Saved Searches for Lodging.


Failed to update Item Fulfillment {id}.

The first of a series of errors when the system has failed to process item fulfillment records, during shipping manifest generation. These errors might occur due to the following reasons:

  • Script execution time or governance limit has been exceeded.

  • The item fulfillment record could not be found.

  • The record being processed is not an item fulfillment.

To view invalid item fulfillment records, see their internal IDs listed in the error message. Verify that the record has not been deleted or that it is indeed an item fulfillment record. For more information, see Lodging Orders with Australia Post.


Failed to update Shipping Order {id}.

The first of a series of errors when the system has failed to update the item fulfillment records with the Australia Post Order ID. These errors might occur due to the following reasons:

  • Script execution time or governance limit has been exceeded.

  • Invalid Shipping Order ID or it could not be found.

  • The item fulfillment record could not be found

To view invalid item fulfillment records, see their internal IDs listed in the error message. Verify that the record has not been deleted or that it is indeed an item fulfillment record. For more information, see Lodging Orders with Australia Post.


Error encountered while processing of bulk shipment label.

The first of a series of errors that can be encountered while processing the shipping labels from Australia Post, due to the following reasons:

  • No shipping labels have been retrieved because it might not yet be available

  • The storage folder in the file cabinet might be full or it could not be found. For instructions on viewing the file cabinet folder, see Reprinting the Shipping Manifest and Labels.


Failed to get Order ID. No item fulfillments were attached to the Shipping Order record.

Error when no item fulfillment is included in the shipping order record. You must include at least one item fulfillment in the record.


Failed to get Order ID. Please try again by clicking Get Order ID.

Indicates an error in obtaining the Order ID. You can try retrieving the Order ID again by clicking the Get Order ID button.


The shipment IDs in the Shipping Order record does not match with the shipments in the order from Australia Post.

Indicates that the item fulfillments (containing shipping IDs) in the Shipping Order record do not match the Shipping IDs of the same order record on Australia Post’s side. This scenario arises when item fulfillments are removed from or added to an existing shipping record before clicking Get Order ID button.

You must not remove or add any item fulfillment in the Shipping Order record.

To resolve the error:

  1. Remove the shipments that were processed in the previous order, and then attach them to their original shipping orders.

  2. Click Get Order ID.


Order ID {ORDER_ID} for the listed shipments has already been used in another Shipping Order.

This error occurs when the Order ID that was retrieved upon clicking the Get Order button, has already been saved in one of the Shipping Order records. This scenario arises when item fulfillments are removed from an existing shipping record. Then, the item fulfillment is attached to another shipping record.

You must not remove any item fulfillment in the shipping order record.

To resolve the error:

  1. Remove the shipments that were processed in the previous order, and then attach them to their original shipping orders.

  2. Click Get Order ID.


Australia Post error message

Errors with the AUP prefix are from Australia Post. See the following sample error:

AUP:51010 -LABEL_EXPIRED: These labels cannot be printed. When an order is created, you have 24 hours to reprint labels. If you need labels reprinted after this time, please call 13 11 18 for assistance.

For administrators, you can view more details in the execution logs by going to Customization > Scripting > Script. For assistance, contact your Australia Post account manager or customer support.

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