Taxable Payments Annual Report


This topic is for NetSuite accounts that use the Country Tax Report page to generate the Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR). You must install the Tax Reporting Framework and ANZ Localization SuiteApps to generate this report.

The Taxable Payments Annual Report (TPAR) is a legislative requirement in Australia that lists the payments you made to contractors for providing services. This report is lodged to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) every August 28.

In NetSuite, you can generate the TPAR from the Country Tax Reports page. To generate a report, see Generating Localized Country Tax Reports.

The generated TPAR is intended for record-keeping purposes only. For paper-based lodgement, you are required to transcribe the information from the generated report to the official paper-based TPAR you received from the ATO.

To generate the Payer and Payee details of the TPAR, you must first fill in your business information about the company or subsidiary record and set the vendor as TPAR eligible. For more information about setting up the TPAR, see Setting Up the Taxable Payments Annual Report.

After generating the TPAR, you can download it as a PDF by clicking the Export -PDF icon on the Country Tax Report page.

To view a summary of all TPAR reportable bill payments per vendor or Payee, see Viewing the TPAR Summary Report. You can also drill through the TPAR Summary Report and view the list of vendor bills included in each bill payment. For more information about drilling through the Summary Report, see Viewing the TPAR Detailed Report.

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