Calculating Australia Post Rates
The shipping rate is based on the Australia Post service associated with the shipping item. The tax amount, based on the schedule you selected for the shipping item, is added to the shipping estimate to calculate the shipping cost.
Only shipping rates for addresses within Australia are calculated. Shipping rates for international addresses are not supported. For more information, see Limitations for Australia Post Integration.
The following factors affect the calculation of the shipping rate estimate:
Package type (for example, parcel or letter)
Weight of the package
Item record preferences: Item Weight, Package, Ships Individually
Speed of delivery or delivery time (for example, express or same day delivery)
Delivery location
Delivery type
Additional features such as Signature on Delivery
Optional services such as Extra Cover
Manual Handling Surcharge
Shipments with the following dimensions are subject to Manual Handling Surcharge:
Longest side (any of width, height, or length) is >100 cm and <=113 cm
Entered weight is > 22 kg and <=32 kg
Specific Australia Post services might not be available depending on your account, the shipping address, or item weight.
Other factors may affect the shipping estimate. For more information on shipping rates, please visit the Australia Post web site at To view the limitations of the shipping integration, see Limitations for Australia Post Integration.
The following topics describe how the shipping rate is affected based on specific changes you make on a transaction.
Shipping Rates on Transactions
For transactions, including Sales Orders, Estimates, Invoices, and Cash Sales, you can select the shipping item in the Shipping Method field. The shipping method of your choice and item quantity are considered in the calculation of the shipping rate. For sales orders, in particular, the shipping address is also considered in the shipping rate computation. Each time you change the shipping method, delivery address, and item quantity of a transaction, you should recalculate the shipping cost to reflect the adjusted rate.
If you use the Multiple Shipping Route feature, you can enter the delivery address for each line item on the Items subtab. On the Shipping subtab, click Calculate Shipping in the Shipment section. This list in this section is populated based on the shipping details for each line item on the Items subtab. The shipping rate, per line item, is calculated based on the address, shipping method, and quantity. For more information and feature requirements, see Multiple Shipping Routes.
Shipping Rates on Item Fulfillments
For item fulfillments, the shipping rate is primarily based on the shipping method and address you selected in the sales order. When you enter packages on a fulfillment record, the shipping rate might change based on the dimensions and number of packages. Each time you change these package details, including the shipping method and delivery address, you should always recalculate the shipping cost.
To recalculate the shipping cost, click the Shipping subtab of a transaction record and then click the Calculate icon beside the Shipping Cost field.
For instructions on fulfilling orders with Australia Post integration, see Fulfilling Orders with Australia Post Shipments.
Shipping Rates on the Web Store
On your web store, the shipping rate may vary based on the Australia Post shipping item or delivery method and delivery address provided by the customer. For the delivery address, the default shipping address in the customer’s record is displayed for new orders. The calculated shipping cost appears in the Order Summary section of the Shipping page. The shipping cost automatically adjusts each time you change the items, delivery method, or address.
For more information about shipping on your web store, see Shipping Page or Customizing the Shopping Cart in Site Builder.
Related topics
- Shipping Integration with Australia Post
- Getting Started with Australia Post Integration
- Setup Requirements for Australia Post Integration
- Registering an Australia Post Account
- Creating Australia Post Shipping Items
- Setting Up the Transactions and Web Store for Shipping
- Fulfilling Orders with Australia Post Shipments
- Lodging Orders with Australia Post
- Tracking Australia Post Shipments
- Deleting Fulfillments with Voided Australia Post Shipments
- Common Australia Post Integration Errors