Identifying Small Business Suppliers for Payment Times Reporting
Before you generate your Payment Times Report, you must first identify the vendors in NetSuite that you want to identify as small business suppliers.
To identify a vendor as a small business supplier:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.
Select the vendor that you want to identify as a small business supplier.
Click Edit.
On the vendor record, click the AUS Reporting subtab.
For OneWorld accounts, the AUS Reporting subtab appears only after you select the vendor’s Australian subsidiary from the Primary Subsidiary list.
Check the Small Business box.
Click Save.
For bulk updates, you can use Mass Update or CSV Import to check the Small Business box of multiple vendor records. For more information about mass updating, read Mass Updates or CSV Imports Overview.
If you are unsure whether a vendor qualifies as a small business supplier, you can generate a Supplier Business List Report. Then, you export the list and upload it to the SBI Tool. For more information, see Generating a Supplier ABN List Report procedure.
Related Topics
- Payment Times Report (PTR)
- Payment Times Report Configuration
- Generating a Supplier ABN List Report
- What to Include in the Payment Times Report
- Items and Vendors to Exclude from Reporting
- Generating the Payment Times Report
- Reported Data in the Payment Times Report
- Viewing the Payment Times Summary Report
- Payment Times Report Limitation