Lodging Orders with Australia Post

After generating and printing the shipping labels, you can lodge the orders with Australia Post. Lodging of orders can be done only once a day, usually at the end of each day. When your orders have been lodged, you can print the shipping manifest.

Review the following guidelines before lodging your orders:

To lodge orders with Australia Post:

  1. Go to Transactions > Shipping Orders > Generate Shipping Manifest and Labels.

  2. On the Australia Post Shipping Manifest page, select the saved search for the order fulfillment batch to be lodged.

    When you select a saved search from the list, the Edit and Results link are displayed.

    • Edit – This link opens the Saved Search page in edit mode. You can review and update the filtering criteria and other validation settings for the saved search. For more information, see Defining Saved Searches for Lodging.

    • Results – This link opens the Search: Results page that contains the list of order fulfillments to be processed for lodging.


    For lodging, there is a maximum limit of 1000 packages per shipping manifest file.

  3. Click Generate.

    Lodging of orders might take a few minutes to complete. You must not interrupt the processing by reloading the page or going back to the previous page through the browser. After successfully lodging the orders, you are redirected to the Shipping Order record. The item fulfillment records are attached to include the Australia Post Order ID.

  4. On the Shipping Order record, click Refresh. Item fulfillments will be added to the list until the status is Completed.


    Do not use the Remove link or add transactions manually to the list as they will cause errors in generating the Order ID and creating the manifest file.

    On the Shipping Order record, verify that all item fulfillments have been successfully lodged. The Processing Status field indicates the following statuses for manifest generation:

    • Processing — Status displayed while fulfillment records are being attached to the order ID.

    • Completed — Status displayed when fulfillment records have been attached, the shipping manifest file has become available, and the Order ID has been obtained from Australia Post.

    • Completed with Errors -Status displayed if the shipping order record has no:

      • Order ID — This indicates a failure to retrieve the Order ID from Australia Post within the maximum time allowed. The Get Order ID button is shown.

      • Manifest File -This indicates that the system cannot save the manifest file because the Shipping Manifest File folder is not available or there is not enough space. The Generate Manifest is shown.

  5. If the status of the record is Completed with Errors, do any of the following:

    • If the error message indicates a failure in getting the Order ID, click Get Order ID. The system will attempt to get an Order ID again from Australia Post. If getting the Order ID and generating the manifesting is successful, the status changes to Completed.

    • If the error message indicates a failure in saving the manifest file, click Generate Manifest. You can verify if the Shipping Manifest folder is present and is not full. To access the folder from the file cabinet, see Reprinting the Shipping Manifest and Labels.


      If the error message is not clear on the record, take note of the error code and refer to its description in Common Australia Post Integration Errors.

  6. To print the Shipping Manifest, click the filename link in the Shipping Manifest File field.

    • On the Item Fulfillments subtab, you can view the list of fulfillment records that have been attached with the Order ID. Regardless if the shipping manifest has not been generated, you can view the Order ID on each fulfillment record.

    • You can change the default columns displayed on the Item Fulfillment subtab. From the list in the View field, select Australia Post Lodged Item Fulfillments. Refer to the following screenshot for the list of columns displayed using this option.

      Screenshot of Australia Post Lodged Item Fulfillments columns on the Item Fulfillment subtab

      To view an item fulfillment, click the date link of the record in the Date Fulfilled column. On the item fulfillment record, the Order ID is displayed on the Shipping subtab.

    • If the status of the Shipping Order record is Completed, and you have the label generation process enabled, you can generate the labels, see Generating Shipping Labels in Bulk.

See the following topics related to lodging of orders:

Generating Shipping Labels in Bulk

After lodging your orders and the shipping manifest has been created, you can generate and print the shipping labels in bulk. Only one PDF document for the bulk generated shipping labels is created.

To generate shipping labels in bulk:

  1. Go to Transactions > Shipping Orders > List.

    The record displays the recently lodged order.

  2. On the Shipping Orders page, click Generate Label.


    The Generate Label button is enabled only when the fulfillment records have been updated with the Australia Post order ID. Verify that the Update of Item Fulfillment Finished status is displayed in the Processing Status field.

    Creation of shipping labels might take a few minutes to complete.

    • Click Refresh to update the status

    • Verify the status updates in the Processing Status field:

      • Generating Labels – Status displayed when the bulk generation of shipping labels has started and is in progress.

      • Generate Labels Finished – Status displayed when the bulk generation of shipping labels has been completed. The filename link is made available for printing of the labels.


        You can generate labels in bulk only once. The Generate Label button is automatically removed after you have successfully generated the labels.

      • Generate Labels Finished with Errors – Status when the bulk generation of shipping labels has been completed, except for orders that cannot be found or might have been deleted.


      In case you encounter an error during bulk generation of labels, you can retry by clicking Generate Label. This button is available only 24 hours after order creation. The Lodged Fulfillments with Errors subtab is displayed, so you can view the list of fulfillment records that cannot be found or might have been deleted.

  3. In the Shipping Labels for Bulk Orders field, click the filename link to open the PDF file.

    You can review and print the shipping labels. If you want to reprint the bulk generated shipping labels, see Reprinting the Shipping Manifest and Labels.

Reprinting the Shipping Manifest and Labels

You can print and reprint the shipping manifest and labels that have been generated in bulk. If you want to reprint shipping labels of a single order fulfillment, see Printing labels from an item fulfillment.

To reprint a shipping manifest or label:

  1. Go to Transactions > Shipping Orders > List.

  2. On the Shipping Orders list, you can do any of the following:

    • In the Shipping Manifest File or Shipping Label for Bulk Orders column, click the shipping manifest or label filename link that corresponds to the Australia Post order ID.

      This displays a preview of the shipping manifest or label, which you can review and print. You do not need to proceed to the next step.

    • If you want to review the record before printing, click the View link for the record that contains the files for the shipping manifest or labels. Proceed to the next step.

  3. On the Shipping Orders page, click any of the filename links:

    • Shipping Manifest File – The filename link opens a preview of the shipping manifest document.

    • Shipping Label for Bulk Orders – The filename link opens a preview of the file for the shipping labels for bulk orders.


      Click the download link to save a copy of the file in your computer.

      For information about setting your shipping label preferences, see Registering an Australia Post Account.

If you have access to the file cabinet, you can view and reprint the manifest and labels from their storage folders.

To view and reprint from the file cabinet:

  1. Go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. On the File Cabinet page, click the SuiteBundles link.

  3. In the SuiteBundles list, click the Bundle link for the Australia Post bundle ID.

  4. In the Bundle list, click any of the folder links:

    • Australia Post Bulk Labels – Click this link to display the list of PDF files for the bulk generated shipping labels.

    • Australia Post Shipping Manifest – Click this link to display the list of PDF files.


    Be aware of storage limitations and maintenance tasks required to make sure that the two folders are not full. For more information, see File Cabinet Overview.

Verifying the Shipping Request and Response Logs

If an error is encountered during the generation of shipping labels, administrators can review the request and response logs. This enables them to verify that correct details are sent to and received from Australia Post. For role requirements to view the logs, see Roles and Permissions.

To verify the request and response logs

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments

  2. On the Script Deployments list, click the View link for the Australia Post Communicator script.

    The shipping logs are available on Debug log level. You can edit the script deployment if you need to update the log level. For more information, see Setting Script Execution Log Levels.

  3. On the Script Deployment page, click the Execution Log subtab to view the logs.

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