Generating a Supplier ABN List Report

The Supplier ABN List Report page or ANZ Supplier List page enables you to generate a list of suppliers with fully paid bills within the selected report period. However, the list excludes those suppliers that are marked to be excluded from the Payment Times Report (PTR). For more information, see Items and Vendors to Exclude from Reporting.

After generating the supplier list, you can export the ABNs to a CSV file, and then upload the file to the Small Business Identification (SBI) tool. The CSV file is compatible to be uploaded to the SBI tool in the Payment Times Reporting Portal.

You can also use the supplier list as a reference to update supplier records and reconcile with PTR.

To generate a supplier ABN list for the SBI Tool:

  1. If you have the Administrator role, go to Setup > ANZ Localization > Supplier List. Otherwise, go to Setup > Other Setup > ANZ Supplier List.

  2. On the Supplier ABN List Report or ANZ Supplier List page, click the Subsidiary dropdown list and select a subsidiary.

  3. From the With ABN dropdown list, select any of the following options:

    1. All – displays all vendors with or without ABN.

    2. Without ABN – displays all vendors without ABN.

    3. With ABN – displays all vendors with ABN.


    The SBI tool identifies suppliers through their ABN so even if you select All, the exported file will only contain the list of ABNs.

  4. In the Category multiselect field, choose a vendor category.


    To select multiple categories, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard while selecting.

  5. Under Report Period, in the From and To fields, select a date range to display a list of suppliers with fully paid bills within the selected date range.

  6. Click Refresh to generate the supplier list. The generated list includes only the ABN column.

  7. Click Export ABN – CSV to export the ABNs from the generated supplier list to a CSV file.

You can then upload the CSV file to the SBI tool. The tool compares the ABNs from the CSV file to the database containing ABNs of medium and large businesses, and small businesses that opted out of the SBI tool. The tool then returns a text file that contains ABNs of small businesses to be included on PTR.

For instructions on how to mark suppliers as small businesses on vendors records, see Identifying Small Business Suppliers for Payment Times Reporting.

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