Removing One-Day Charges
To remove a one-day charge caused by terminating a subscription line, you can create terminate change orders at the beginning of the day. Termination change orders can take effect at the start of day or end of day. Termination change orders can cancel Activation change orders.
To remove one-day charges for a single suspended day caused when you reactivate a subscription line, you can create a reactivation change orders on the item’s suspension date. To reactivate all charges, you can create Reactivation change orders to take effect on the same day as Suspend change orders.
For fundamental information about change orders, see SuiteBilling Change Orders.
To remove a one-day charge from a subscription line item:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Invoicing Preferences.
On the Subscription Management tab, click Default Terminations Effective at Start of Day.
Click Save.
The Default Terminations Effective at Start of Day preference determines the default behavior for when termination change orders take effect, at the start or end of day. You can enable and disable this preference at any time. The setting at a given point in time determines the behavior of any termination change order created.
Removing one-day charges is useful when you create an Activation change order then realize you activated the subscription in error. You need to remove all of the charges from that subscription line. When you create a Termination change order with Default Terminations Effective at Start of Day set, and on the same date as the Activation change order, all charges for that subscription line are removed. For example, if you create a Termination change order for January 1 and Default Terminations Effective at Start of Day is checked, there is no charge for January 1. Termination change orders that are created on the same day as the activation change order, and are set to take place at start of day, cancel the activation and remove all charges for the line. There is no single-day charge.
Likewise, you can create a Reactivation change order on the same day as a Suspend change order. Prior to NetSuite version 21.1, Reactivation change orders were not permitted to be created on the same day as a Suspend change order. A Suspend change order resulted in a single-day charge left in the On Hold status and unable to be billed. For example, you have a subscription that was created with two lines. In Related records, you can see that invoices were sent January and February. One of the lines was suspended on 3/1/2021, so all charges from that date forward are on hold.

Creating a Reactivation change order to take effect on the same day as a Suspend change order results in the full charge amount returning to the Ready state.
To remove a one-day charge for a single suspended day caused when you reactivate a subscription line:
From the Actions menu, select Reactivate.
On the Reactivate change order, set the Effective Date to 3/1/2021.
For the line item you want to suspend, check the Apply box.
Click Save.
When you go back to the Related Records tab, all charges are back in the Ready status.
This completely cancels the suspension, allowing for the full charge amount to be billed. Suspend and reactivation change orders are still restricted to one change order of the same type per day for a subscription line. Therefore, you can't create a second suspend or reactivate change order for the same day.
Related Topics
- Creating a New Stand-alone Subscription
- SuiteBilling Change Orders
- Creating a Subscription from a Transaction
- Updating a Subscription on a Transaction
- Adding Line Items to an Existing Subscription
- Activating a Subscription
- Creating Usage Records
- Managing Rating Runs
- Suspending a Subscription Line Item
- Reactivating a Subscription Line Item
- Modifying Pricing
- Renewing a Subscription
- Adding Renewal Information to Subscription Plans