Creating Usage Records

Usage defines the charge for a subscription line item that can be consumed, such as money, time, software licenses, or internet data. Some subscription line items include an amount of usage. For example, if you sell mobile phone service plans, your subscription may have a line item for a monthly fee. The monthly fee includes a specific amount of minutes or data in your customer’s plan. When this included amount is exceeded, additional charges may apply. In NetSuite, you account for the usage amount included in a subscription when creating the subscription plan.

You also can multiply the amount of usage included in a subscription. For example, there are a total of five people in one household that are part of a cell phone plan. When you create the price book, you can multiply the included usage for the data item by five. This gives each person the same amount of included usage. For instructions, see Creating Price Books.

One time, commitment, and recurring charges often bill in advance, whereas usage charges bill in arrears. Usage and overage cannot be billed until the item has been used.

The Billing Specialist role without the accounting list permission can create usage with a usage record. When adding usage to commit plus overage lines, the overage amounts in the period are created only after a rating run has been completed. Any usage only within the commitment does not generate a charge, but instead can be viewed on the subscription line commitment details subtab.

You cannot delete a usage charge after a rating run but you can void it. For more information, see Voiding a Usage Record.

To create a usage record:

  1. Go to Transactions > Subscriptions > Create Usage.

  2. (Optional) From the Customer list, select a customer.

  3. (Optional) From the Item list, select the item for which you want to associated usage.

  4. (Optional) From the Subscription Plan list, select the subscription plan to which you want to add usage.

  5. From the Subscription list, select a subscription.

  6. From the Subscription Line list, select a subscription line item.

  7. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity.

  8. In the Usage Date field, enter or select a date.

  9. Click Save.


The usage record does not support user event scripts.

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