SuiteBilling Change Orders

Changes orders are a fundamental concept in SuiteBilling. To edit an active subscription or its components, use a change order. There are specific change orders for each subscription record type.

Change orders change a subscription’s or line item’s status. For example, the activation change order changes the subscription from the Pending Activation status to the Active status. You also can use a change order to suspend, renew, or terminate a subscription, or to change prices, quantity, or discount.

The following rules apply to change orders:

The following table includes change order types and their associated descriptions.

Change Order



An activation change order begins a subscription. When you create a subscription, the initial status is Draft or Not Included. The Not Included status occurs when you have optional items in the subscription plan that are not included in the subscription. After you set any number of line items to Pending Activation, submitting the activation change order activates the subscription or subscription line items. You can set the activation date to a past or future date.

When you activate dependent line items, they must be activated at the same time. For example, a cell phone subscription contains an item for data usage. The amount of data included in the subscription is multiplied by the number of phones in the subscription. The included quantity multiplier is the item for the number of phones. In this case, both line items must be activated at the same time.

NetSuite generates charges based on the activation date. You can delete activation change orders. If you delete an activation change order, all charges associated with the change order are deleted, and the subscription reverts to the Pending Activation status. The exception to this rule is that when there are other change orders associated with the subscription, you cannot delete the activation change order. For instructions on how to activate a subscription, see Activating a Subscription.

Modify Pricing

A modify pricing change order changes the pricing tier or rate, the quantity of a subscription item, percent uplift to increase the price, or applies a new discount to active line items on a subscription.

The effective date of a modify pricing change order must be after its activation date. When you create and save a modify pricing change order, the charges automatically update to reflect the change order. You can also delete modify pricing change orders. Deleting the change order also deletes the changes to the charges that were applied as part of the change order. For instructions on how to create a modify pricing change order, see Modifying Pricing. If you want to change to off-cycle pricing, which prorates pricing charges mid-cycle, see Off-Cycle Invoicing with Modify Pricing Change Orders.


A suspend change order temporarily suspends a subscription or subscription line item until it is reactivated. You can apply a suspend change order to any number of subscription line items. If you suspend a usage line item, you also must suspend the associated usage multiplier line item. You cannot suspend or terminate any line items or subscriptions with a status of Suspend. Subscription lines in the suspended state are not billed until reactivated. To make any changes to a suspended subscription or line item, you must first reactivate it. When a line item or subscription is in the Suspend status, you can terminate it using a terminate change order. For instructions, see Suspending a Subscription Line Item.


Create a reactivate change order to reactivate a suspended subscription or subscription line item. The subscription or line item is reactivated on the date set as the effective date on the change order and changes the status to Active. For instructions, see Reactivating a Subscription Line Item.


A renew change order renews a subscription when the subscription term ends. You cannot delete a renew change order, but you can make changes before the renewal start date. The renew change order lets you create an new subscription or extend the existing subscription. For more information about the different types of subscription renewals, see Renewing a Subscription.


Terminate change orders end a subscription line item at the end of the day on the effective date. To terminate a subscription line item, it must have a status of Active, Pending Activation, or Suspend. After saving a terminate change order, no other change orders are permitted after the effective date of the termination on the subscription line item. If you backdate a termination change order, however, you cannot edit it or delete the change order. You can still make changes prior to the termination effective date. For instructions, see Terminating a Subscription Line Item.

General Notices