Releasing Orders to the Warehouse

Releasing orders to the warehouse initiates the outbound processing of orders for fulfillment using wave transactions. It enables you to select and prioritize the orders or order lines you want to include in a wave. When you release a wave, the orders become available for picking or staging through the mobile app.

NetSuite WMS provides the following options for releasing orders:

Watch the following video on creating waves with orders for release to the warehouse:

NetSuite WMS provides the following records for order release:

The following diagram illustrates the sequence of tasks involved when you release orders to a warehouse that uses bins:

Release Orders to Warehouse Workflow diagram

In a sample scenario, you create a wave with orders to be delivered by a shipping provider along a specific route. Narrow down the list of orders based on priority or ship date. From a wave, NetSuite WMS generates the pick tasks, which you can assign to warehouse operators or pickers. You can manage both the list of orders for release and pick tasks on a wave transaction.

Pickers that you assign to one or more tasks can update their progress on the mobile app. Any picker can access and process unassigned pick tasks. Based on pick task updates, NetSuite WMS updates the status of the associated wave. It also generates items fulfillments for completed pick tasks. On both wave transactions and pick task subrecords, you can track the progress as soon as you release the orders to the warehouse.

Supported Transactions and Item Types

To include orders in wave transactions, make sure they meet the following conditions for transactions and item types:

  • Sales or transfer order transactions must be unfulfilled.

  • Orders must have fully or partially committed line items not included in any active waves.

    This condition does not apply to non-inventory items, which cannot be committed.

  • Items must belong to the following supported item types:

    • Inventory and assembly items, including, matrix, lot numbered, and serialized items

    • Kit/package items, including kits with kit components

      Service and non-inventory items (for sale and for resale only)


      To release and fulfill orders for these item types, you must enable the Can be Fulfilled/Received setting on the item record. For more information about creating fulfillable items, see Entering Preferences on Item Records or Fulfilling Inventory.

    • Item groups

  • Orders or line items must be associated with a warehouse location.

    By default, NetSuite WMS filters transactions to include in a wave using the location in the header for sales orders and the from location for transfer orders. For information about creating warehouse locations, see Creating Warehouse Locations.

See Creating Wave Transactions to learn how specific preferences affect the orders that you can release to the warehouse. For more information about items, see Item Types.


Note the following limitations for waves and releasing orders to the warehouse:

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