Creating a Wave Release Schedule

When you create a wave release schedule, you specify the orders and the frequency of release. To specify the orders to include in a wave, use the standard wave template or a custom template with your predefined filters. For information about wave templates, see Creating Custom Wave Criteria Templates.

You can release one or more waves based on your business requirements. You can specify wave and order limits that apply to each scheduled release. For order limits, you can specify either the number of order or order lines to include in a wave.

To define your release schedule, select the days of the week and run time period within those days.

For example, you can create the following schedule for releasing sales orders from Warehouse A:

On each release day, NetSuite WMS searches for valid sales orders from Warehouse A. Then, it submits a job to create and release a wave transaction. It repeats the process every hour within the run time period. To review the guidelines and limitations for releasing orders, see Releasing Orders to the Warehouse.

To create a wave release schedule:

  1. Using the WMS Warehouse Manager role, go to WMS Outbound > Wave > Schedule Wave Release > New.

  2. On the WMS Wave Release Schedule page, in the Template field, you can select the default template or your custom wave criteria template.

    Fields in the Primary Information section are populated with corresponding details from the template. You can edit them at any time.

    After you save the schedule, you cannot change the template anymore.

  3. In the Primary Information section, you can select or enter values in the following fields:

    • Location -Select the warehouse location.

    • Transaction Type-Select one of the following transaction types: Sales Order or Transfer Order.

    • Picking Type -Select one of the following picking types: Single Order, Multiple Orders, or Bulk Picking.

    • (Optional) Wave Priority -Select the priority number, from 1 (top priority) to 9 (lowest priority).

    • Status -Select one of the following statuses that you want to assign to the generated wave: Pending Release or Released.

    • Apply Pick Decomposition – Check this box if you want to use pick decomposition for pick tasks generated for waves.

    For more information about these fields, see Creating Wave Transactions.

  4. In the Release Schedule section, you can set the following required or optional fields:

    • Release Day -Select Every Day or specific days of the week on which you want to release waves.

    • Release Frequency -Select the frequency at which you want to run the schedule within a release day.

    • Run Time Start -Enter the time you want NetSuite WMS to start running the schedule.

    • Run Time End-Enter the time you want NetSuite WMS to stop running the schedule.

  5. (Optional) To apply limits to wave generation, you can set the following fields:


    Other orders or order lines might also be excluded from waves based on filters that you apply on your custom wave template.

    • To set limits either for orders or order lines, but not both, set one of the following:

      In the Maximum Wave Order Limit field or Minimum Wave Order Limit field, enter a positive number for the upper or lower order limit, respectively. You may also set both fields to specify a range.

      For example, you specify a range of 2 to 10 orders. If you have only 1 order to release within a schedule, you cannot automatically generate a wave. If you have 11 orders to release within a schedule, you can generate a wave with up to 10 orders only.

    • In the Maximum Wave Order Line Limit or Minimum Wave Order Line Limit field, enter a positive number for the upper or lower order line limit, respectively. You may also set both fields to specify a range.

      For example, you specify a range of 2 to 10 order lines and you have multiple orders each with lines that do not exceed the upper limit. NetSuite WMS keeps adding each order to a wave as long as the total number of order lines do not exceed the upper limit. It randomly selects the orders and does not split orders across multiple waves. In case all your orders have 12 lines each or you have only one order with 1 line, it does not generate a wave during a scheduled run.

      Note that backordered lines are filtered out unless you commit them to the order prior to a scheduled release.

    • Generate Multiple Waves – If you enter an order or order line limit, you can check this box.

      It indicates that you want to create multiple waves during each scheduled release. You can release up to 500 waves at a time.

    • Wave Release Limit – If you generate multiple waves, enter a number, between 1 to 500, for this wave limit.

      For each scheduled release, the number of generated waves does not exceed this number. The next release schedule includes any remaining orders retrieved by your wave template or criteria.

  6. (Optional) In the Email Notification section, you can set your email preference in the following fields:

    • Send an Email when Request Status Changes to -Select one or more of the following statuses at which you want to notify recipients: Failed or Wave Created.

    • Email Address for Wave Created Status -Enter the email address to which you want to send notifications for successfully created requests.

    • Email Address for Failed Status -Enter the email address to which you want to send notifications for failed requests.

    Separate multiple addresses with a semicolon.

  7. To save the schedule, click Save.

  8. On the Release Status subtab, you can view the job status and details for wave creation and release during the schedule run.

    After NetSuite WMS completes the job, you can click the number of the wave you want to access. On your mobile device, you can pick the items included in the released wave. See Picking Orders.

If you have uncommitted quantities in an order, you can release the associated lines after the quantities have been committed. For more information, see Re-releasing Lines with Backorders.

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