Setting Warehouse Management Preferences
Depending on your business needs, set the following preferences that affect one or more warehouse processing tasks:
Automatically Set to Firm Committed Quantities in a Wave – Automatically checks the Commitment Confirmed box for transaction lines of orders that you include in a wave.
If you want to reallocate the quantities committed for the order, you can clear the Commitment Confirmed box. However, NetSuite WMS does not adjust the quantities on the wave transaction and its pick tasks. On your mobile device, you should pick only the remaining committed quantities, which you can partially fulfill. Do not pick the entire quantity on the released wave without replenishing the committed quantities on the order transaction. NetSuite WMS cannot generate a fulfillment record for the order.
Using Preferred Bin on Item Receipts – Determines if the Bin field on item receipts defaults to the preferred bin instead of leaving the field blank.
Default Items to Zero Received/Fulfilled – When you set this preference, items default to unfulfilled when you open a fulfillment transaction. You can mark the items you want to fulfill on the fulfillment.
Use Pick to Clean Process at Locations Using Warehouse Management -Indicates your preference to pick from bins that can be emptied, before those with larger quantities.
Create Item Fulfillment at Locations Using Warehouse Management -Provides the following options for creating item fulfillments of released orders:
Per Order – (default setting) Generates item fulfillments for each released order.
Per Order Line – Generates item fulfillments for each line item of a released order.
Per Order in a Wave – Generates an item fulfillment for all item lines of an order released in the same wave. Unlike the Per Order option, you can generate an item fulfillment regardless of lines from the same order released in other waves.
Show Additional Pick Task Columns – Adds two columns on the Line Items subtab of a pick task subrecord, named User Field 1 and User Field 2. If you want to enter more details on pick task lines, you can set this preference.
To access a pick task, go to Transactions > Order Management > View Pick Tasks. You can edit a pick task, and then enter details in the columns on the Line Items subtab.
Default Status – Sets the default status of newly created waves to either Released or Pending Release.
Default Picking Type – Sets the default picking type of newly created waves to either MultipleOrders, Single Order, or Bulk Picking.
Update Quantity of Re-released Pick Task Lines – Reflects newly committed quantities on pick task lines, with Ready status, of existing waves associated with backorders. Clear this box if you want to always create separate waves for backordered quantities of lines after they are committed. For more information, see Re-releasing Lines with Backorders.
Allow Pick Decomposition on Waves – Enables pick decomposition by automatically checking the Apply Pick Decomposition box on waves that you create. By default, it checks this box that appears on waves that you create manually, through a schedule, or through the app. Regardless of your preference setting, you can still check or clear the box before you create or generate a wave. For more information, see Pick Task Decomposition.
For standard and custom mobile processes, NetSuite WMS does not support the entry and mandatory setting of class and department classifications. For more information about these mandatory preferences, see Classifications. For more information about mobile processes, see Mobile App Setup.
To set warehouse management preferences:
Go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences.
On the Accounting Preferences page, click the Order Management subtab, and then check the box or select the option for the preference you want to use.
Sales Orders section: Automatically Set to Firm Committed Quantities in a Wave
Picking/Packing section: Use Pick to Clean Process at Locations Using Warehouse Management or Show Additional Pick Task Columns.
Fulfillment section: Default Items to Zero Received/Fulfilled or Create Item Fulfillment at Locations Using Warehouse Management
Waves section: Default Status or Default Picking Type.
Allow Pick Decomposition on Waves
Update Quantity of Re-released Pick Task Lines
Click the Items/Transactions subtab.
In the Inventory section, check the box next to the preference that you want to use: Use Preferred Bin on Item Receipts.
Click Save.