Pick Task Assignment
When you save a wave, NetSuite WMS generates pick tasks from the line items of orders, or from kit components particularly for kit/package items. On the app, any picker with the appropriate role, including the WMS Limited Access role, can access and process unassigned pick tasks for released waves. The name of the picker who selects the pick task to process on the app appears on the pick task subrecord. To set up picker roles, see Warehouse Management Roles.
If you use the Allow staging for assigned picker only system rule, only the picker assigned to the pick task can stage the items. For more information about this rule, see System Rules for NetSuite WMS.
For pick tasks in Ready, Pending, or In Progress status, you can assign, reassign, or remove a pick task assignment through the following ways:
For information about pick task failures, see Viewing Failed Pick Task Lines.
Assigning Pick Tasks During Wave Creation
After you save a wave in Pending Release status, you can edit it to assign warehouse operators to its pick tasks. You can assign each or all pick tasks of a wave to a warehouse operator. For detailed instructions, see Creating Wave Transactions.
On the Pick Tasks subtab of wave, you can access and view pick tasks to monitor the progress of mobile picking. On a pick task subrecord, line items for kit components display the kit/package item in the Subitem Of column. For more information, see Monitoring the Status of Released Orders or Picking Orders.
Assigning Pickers on Pick Tasks
You can set or change the assigned warehouse operator for each pick task. To access a pick task subrecord, go to Transactions > Order Management > View Pick Tasks. From the Pick Task list, click Edit next to the one you want to update. On the Pick Task page, in the Assigned Picker field, you can select the name of the warehouse operator.
Assigning Pick Tasks in Bulk
For waves in the following statuses, you can assign or reassign pick tasks from different waves to one or more pickers: Pending Release and Released. Even if you assign pick tasks during wave creation, you can reassign them in bulk. You can also remove pick task assignments in bulk.
To assign pick tasks in bulk:
Using the WMS Warehouse Manager role, go to WMS Outbound > Outbound Maintenance > Bulk Assign Pick Tasks.
On the Bulk Pick Task Assignment page, select values in the following fields:
Location – Select the warehouse location associated with the pick tasks.
Transaction Type – Select one of the following order transaction types: Sales Order or TransferOrder.
Wave Status – Select one of the following wave statuses: Released, Pending Release, or In Progress. If you want to select all three of these statuses, select All.
(Optional) In the Pick Task Details section, you can apply filters to specify the pick tasks you want to assign.
For example, if you want to assign pick tasks associated with specific items or bins, you can select them in the Item or Bin fields. If you want to reassign pick tasks, you can select the picker’s name in the Assigned Picker field.
Click Display.
The pick tasks that meet your search criteria appear in the list. If you want to adjust the filters to narrow down or include more pick tasks in your search, repeat from step 3.
In the Assign All Pick Tasks To field, select the picker’s name or to remove pick task assignments, leave it blank.
Next to each pick task, check the box.
Tip:To view pick tasks on other pages, in the Select field, select a different page range.
Click Submit.
Viewing Failed Pick Task Lines
Pick task failures might occur because of discrepancies between waves and their associated sales or transfer orders. For information about updating orders included in waves, see Handling Changes to Associated Sales or Transfer Orders.
For example, a pick task might not be generated when you decrease the ordered item’s committed quantity below the quantity released in a wave.
When pick tasks fail, you can review the details on the wave, as follows:
In the Summary table, view the total number of failed line items.
On the Pick Tasks subtab, view the status of the failed task, which could be either of the following:
Done -Status of pick tasks with all completed or all failed line items.
Ready -Status of pick tasks with no failed line items, or with one or more failed lines.
To open a pick task, click the pick task number. On the pick task subrecord, look for line items marked Failed with the failure reason displayed beside the status. For kit/package items, a pick task failure for one component causes pick tasks for other components to also fail.
On the Orders subtab, verify any changes to the committed lines of orders with failed pick tasks.
If the total selected lines exceed the committed lines, the tasks may have failed because of a commitment change for an item or a component of a kit/package item. You can click the order number link to view the committed quantity for the item and other order details.
On the Line Items subtab, click the order number to open the associated order transaction.
For more information about pick tasks, see Updating or Deleting Pick Tasks Generated from Waves.